Category: 2016 Elections

Georgia Races to Watch: GOP Congressional Primaries

I’m out of the “pundit” business. I don’t do predictions. If most pundits were honest, they would admit that the prediction/punditry game is mostly a parlor game for entertainment purposes to fill time while we wait on election results. Over the last week the constant question I’ve been asked is “Are we expecting any surprises?”.

Sign Duty

This was a column of mine originally published on 7/31/12. There’s probably a few of you that have excess energy and can’t sleep about now…or about 5am. Maybe it will help. There’s a time honored tradition for those who work on campaigns. The night before the election, entrances to polling places (always 150 feet from

A Tale of Two House Districts

During every election cycle, there seems to be a prediction that Gwinnett County will turn Democratic, or at least a shade of purple. While long viewed as being a Republican stronghold, changes in the county’s diversity, especially with the influx of Hispanic and Asian residents, appears to point the way towards a changing political dynamic.

Crossover voting could determine key Democratic primaries in Chatham County

There are no competitive local races in tomorrow’s Republican primary in Chatham County, so a number of campaigns and their supporters have been encouraging Republicans to ask for a Democratic ballot. It’s an interesting strategy, and it just might work. Chatham County Commissioner Al Scott is running for reelection and is being challenged by sitting

11 District GOP Race Lawyers Up

The AJC’s Aaron Sheinin, working on his birthday (happy birthday old man), brings us an update in the primary turned potential potential civil suit between Congressman/defendant Barry Loudermilk and challenger/plaintiff Daniel Cowan. Follow this link to the AJC for visual representation of the mailers and responses discussed below. Long and short of this:  Team Loudermilk

Poll: Who Will Win the HD-80 GOP Primary?

Catherine Bernard, Alan Cole, and Meagan Hanson are vying to become the Republican opponent against Democratic incumbent Taylor Bennett in HD-80. The Brookhaven Post and Joe Earle @ Reporter Newspapers have compiled voter guides for this election based upon the candidate’s answers to several questions. GeorgiaPOL also published two dueling posts in support of and in

So You Think Aaron Barlow Cared About TSPLOST?

Aaron Barlow, candidate for State Senate in North Fulton and Cherokee Counties, has made most of his campaign feeding off negatives for those that have actively tried to solve Georgia’s and North Metro Atlanta’s congestion problems.  He even had a mailer/flyer that was criticizing Brandon Beach’s sponsorship of TSPLOST on Facebook (despite the fact that

James Williams Disqualified in HD 151 Race

The Secretary of State’s office released a press release late this afternoon explaining that Democratic candidate James Williams has been disqualified from the House District 151 race due to non-residency in the District. Mr. Williams was incorrectly assigned to District 151 by the Dougherty County Election Board instead of District 154. Incumbent Republican Representative Gerald

Boobs in Forsyth County (Metaphorical or Literal, You Pick)

Lanier Tea Party Patriots founder and president and 9/11 truther* Hank Sullivan recently posted an invitation to a meet-and-greet with Congressional candidate Mike Scupin on his Facebook page. According to the invitation on Scupin’s Facebook page, the event, which was yesterday, included a free round of mini-golf and a free hot dog. Oh, and a