Category: 2016 Elections

NFIB Hosts GA 3rd Congressional District Debate Tonight: WRBL Livestream

This evening the National Federation of Independent Businesses and Columbus’ WRBL have teamed up to bring an issues focused debate among candidates competing for the GOP nomination for Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District. We’re attempting to embed the livestream from WRBL below, or you can watch the debate by following this link. The debate will begin

Aaron Barlow Wants To Furlough Cherokee County Teachers

It appears that whomever talked Aaron Barlow into returning from Chicago to his Fulton County house to run for Georgia’s State Senate told him there would be no math. Either that, or he hopes that voters in the Cherokee and Fulton County district are uninformed or don’t care that he is playing fast and loose

Speaker Ryan Praises Loudermilk, Provides Path To Work With Trump

Yesterday while on a trip to Washington I was able to attend a meeting with Paul Ryan, my Congressman Barry Loudermilk, and a group of Loudermilk’s supporters. Speaker Ryan praised Loudermilk as a “do-er”, and noted that he was one of the top freshmen in this Congressional Class, by passing three bills. Loudermilk noted that

HD-68: It’s A Sprint, Not A Marathon

As you may recall, Governor Nathan Deal appointed State Representative Dustin Hightower (R-HD-68) to a state superior court judgeship in the Coweta Judicial Circuit last week.  Represenetative Hightower had qualified for re-election with no challengers, so the Georgia Republican Party executive committee had a meeting last night to decide to reopen qualifying for House District

Catherine Bernard, Unethical Disclosures, and Frat Boys

On Friday, I filed an ethics complaint against Catherine Bernard’s campaign for House District 80. My complaint details her use of campaign money on hair treatments (think John Edwards) and her lack of end-recipients. She responded to my complaint this afternoon, accusing me of being one of the “smirking, useless frat boys in the Georgia Republican

Is it Possible that the DPG’s Preferred Candidate to Face Johnny Isakson Knows Nothing About Georgia Politics?

The answer to what is, frankly, an entirely reasonable question is yes. On paper, Jim Barksdale should have been a semi-decent candidate if only because he could self-fund his race. However, since his March 11 announcement, Barksdale has done seemingly nothing on the campaign trail. The most damning piece of evidence is that his Facebook activity

Georgia GOP Anger At Fever Pitch

This week’s Courier Herald column: Last week was a rough one for many longtime Georgia Republicans. Ted Cruz suspended his quest to be the Republican nominee for President, all but ensuring Donald Trump will arrive in Cleveland with well more than the 1,237 votes needed for nomination. Governor Nathan Deal vetoed a “campus carry” bill