Category: 2016 Elections

Race For National Delegates/Alternates Isn’t The Only Election For The GAGOP State Convention

Most of the focus at the state convention in June will be on the election of delegates and alternates to the national convention the following month, but that’s not the only race that the state convention will decide upon.  With current National Committeewoman Linda Herren not running due being term-limited, that leaves an open seat

Georgia Republican Party Reopens Qualifying in House Districts 3 and 52

Yesterday, the Georgia Republican Party executive committee voted to reopen qualifying on the Republican ticket in State House Districts 3 and 52 after incumbent Representatives Tom Weldon and Joe Wilkinson, respectively, decided to withdraw their candidacy. The Catoosa County Republican convention passed a resolution requesting that the state GOP to reopen qualifying for House District

The GOP’s Electoral Apocalypse: 2016 Edition

We’ve heard people claim Donald Trump has the potential to expand the GOP voting base for nearly nine months–particularly blue-collar workers in Midwestern states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Other people say a Trump candidacy will produce a map similar to Barry Goldwater’s 1964 catastrophe. Of course, it’s only March. We have a little over seven

Mike Crane: False Prophet For Profit

On Monday, Governor Nathan Deal vetoed HB 757.  Just now, I’ve received my third email from Mike Crane’s congressional campaign on the matter.  Two of the three were direct fundraising emails.  This latest one puts Senator Crane directly into the “ScamPAC” territory. In the email, Crane threatens a false deadline of 48 hours “to choose”.

More Leaving State Legislature

This week’s Courier Herald column: The Georgia General Assembly has gaveled out sine die and members have returned home from Atlanta. The Easter holiday will likely be the only down time for many as May 24th primaries for legislative and congressional offices are less than two months away. Many of those who have chosen to

GeorgiaPol Goes Global

GeorgiaPol’s publisher Charlie Harper had the opportunity to be on international teevee over this weekend courtesy of CNN International.  The topic that seems to be on everyone’s mind around the world is the sideshow of the Donald Trump campaign.  Charlie talks about the nomination process and offers up a sobering prediction for Republicans this year, but

Representative Tom Weldon Decides To Not Run For Re-Election

UPDATED: For clarity, Representative Weldon hasn’t officially withdrawn from the race.  The Catoosa GOP has, in its resolution, will send a certified letter requesting that Weldon send a formal letter of withdrawal with 72 hours of his decision. Georgia State Representative Tom Weldon (R-HD-03) decided last week to withdraw from his re-election race.  My understanding is that there

#GAGOP County Convention Weekend!

It’s 10a (ok, a few minutes after) which means Republicans across the great state of Georgia are now convened in their respective county conventions with the purposes of spending a spending a spring Saturday morning inside a building to elect delegates and alternates to their district and state conventions…and maybe a resolution or 20. What’s