Category: 2016 Elections

11Alive #SECPrimary Livestream And GeorgiaPol Open Thread

Tonight 11Alive will be airing a Livestream beginning at 7:00pm. If this thing is working that’s what you should be seeing above. This will be mostly local coverage of the SEC Primary results with the 11Alive News Team, as well as discussion and analysis by Democratic Communications Consultant (and a friend of mine) Liz Flowers

How Donald Trump’s Appropriation of David Perdue’s Strategy Could Stop Ted Cruz and Split the GOP

When I interviewed Ted Cruz at the Republican state convention last May, he spoke abolut building a broad based coalition of conservatives in the Reagan mold that would ultimately lead to his being nominated to the presidency. Over the summer and fall, Cruz talked about the various lanes within the Republican electorate that he could

In Support of John Kasich

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Georgia’s presidential primary on Tuesday, GeorgiaPol will publish a series of essays in support of some of the leading presidential candidates. This essay is from Kasich supporter Stephen Plunk. You don’t have to look very hard to see how polarized political culture has become. Spend any time on social media