Category: 2016 Elections

Five GOP Takeaways From Iowa

This week’s column, a day late: 1) Donald Trump is a loser. No, that needs no sugar coating. We’ve spent the better part of a year with his supporters telling us how much they liked plain, blunt, in your face language. And in Donald Trump’s world, you’re either a winner, or you’re a loser. Donald

Marco Rubio Is Favored By Georgia College GOP Leaders, While Donald Trump Leads in Iowa

Back last August, we told you about the results of a straw poll among the leaders of the Georgia Association of College Republicans. Marco Rubio got the most votes, followed by Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, With Rand Paul, Chris Christie. and Carly Fiorina, and George Pataki bringing up the rear. The College Republicans leadership

Jim Pace Is In For Run At GA-3 Congressional Seat

…and then there were three for Georgia’s Third Congressional District.  Fayette County resident (and business partner of Chick-Fil-A’s Dan Cathy) has formally announced his bid to replace Lynn Westmoreland when his term ends in January.  Westmoreland has announced he is not seeking re-election. In addition to Pace who has never held public office, Senator Mike

Michael Graham Tries To Follow Debbie Dooley’s Money. Hilarity Ensues

Michael Graham is a Tea Party activist and radio talk show host on Atlanta’s 106.7. He’s on from 9-noon daily. And yesterday was quite the banner day for him. He had noted Tea Party face and friend of Al Gore Debbie Dooley on his show to give her endorsement of Donald Trump. Those of you

West Point Mayor Announces For Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District

This just arrived in the mailbox. WEST POINT, GA – West Point Mayor Drew Ferguson announced today that he will be a candidate for the United States Congress representing Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District. “Washington is broken and as a small businessman I know that what our communities need from Congress is that they get out