Category: 2016 Elections


America has a very new, very different president today. Donald J Trump, businessman, entrepreneur, entertainer and most importantly, not a politician will become the 45th president on January 20th. Back in February I was asked to write a post in favor of Trump because I was basically the only person available who was willing to

Georgia Congressmen Applaud Donald Trump Winning the Presidency

We are starting to get reactions from Georgia’s representatives in the U.S. House and Senat over President Elect Donald Trump’s upset win Tuesday night over Hillary Clinton. Senator Johnny Isakson: I congratulate Donald Trump and Mike Pence on winning a hard-fought campaign. The genius of America is that the real power always rests with the

Election Night Open Thread

It’s 7 o’clock, and as of now, the polls are closed in Georgia, although some will remain open for a while, until the last voter in line has cast a ballot. Now, it’s just a matter of time until the results start coming in, both here in Georgia and nationwide. Most pundits were predicting a

Mom Voted Today

As those of you who know me understand, I didn’t end up “this way” by accident.  The sickness that is a morbid fascination with current events and politics was instilled in me early. I come from a family that was not politically connected or even politically active beyond civic participation. That said, I was raised