Category: 2016 Elections

President Obama Endorses 10 Legislative Candidates

President Barack Obama is hoping to flex his political muscle down the ballot in races all over the country–including Georgia. The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee announced that President Obama endorsed 10 candidates in the Peach State–the third-highest number of any of the 19 states he endorsed candidates. I’ve been told two more candidates are still being

How Donald Trump’s Candidacy Is Affecting Politics in the South

As we approach the end of the 2016 election cycle, what had appeared to point to a blowout election for Democrat Hillary Clinton has tightened considerably, with late state-by-state polls showing Republican Donald Trump narrowing her lead. Because of Electoral College math, Clinton is still favored, but some states she had hoped to turn appear

Walker County Commissioner Resorts To Personal Attacks Against An Opponent

A candidate must get close to desperation when resorting to levying personal attacks on Facebook against an opponent.  That’s what is occurring here in Walker County with our incumbent sole Commissioner Bebe Heiskell.  I was sent a screenshot where Commissioner Heiskell accused Republican challenger Shannon Whitfield that he was given bad numbers, was deceiving people

National Teachers Unions Drop $3 Million More To Protect Failing Schools

The groups that believe the only solution for schools is “more money” have sent almost $3Million more to Georgia in order to protect the status quo and continue to trap children in failing schools and rob them of future economic opportunity.  The October filing is out, showing the following contributions given to the “Committee To

Opportunity School District: Demand More

This week’s Courier Herald column: A funny thing happened on the way to way to passing a constitutional amendment to fix Georgia’s failing schools. The NEA – the largest national teachers’ union – decided to send several million dollars to Georgia to kill the measure via a group called “Keep Georgia Schools Local”. Don’t let

GA House Minority Leader Abrams on GA Democrats, Clinton, and a Racist Trump

I posted earlier about Sen. David Perdue’s thoughts from a CNBC interview that Georgia was not in play for Hillary Clinton. CNBC has also released a portion of an interview with Georgia House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams where she shares her belief that Georgia is winnable for Hillary Clinton. She began the interview by stating: “To