Category: 2016 Elections

Voter Fraud … Or Not

There have been lots of worries that this year’s presidential election might be rigged. Donald Trump has raised the specter of voter fraud. One prime suspect: Electronic voting machines that have somehow become programmed to switch a voter’s selection from one candidate to another. But is the threat real? The AJC is reporting that in

Clinton Inc.

A number of major media outlets have finally gotten past hearsay accusations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump to explore the many ‘ethically deficient’ (phrase used by HRC apologist and Princeton prof Eddie Glaude on Morning Joe today) activities in Clinton World. It seems most emanate from a company called Teneo formed by Clinton loyalists Doug Band and

A Note on Write-In Candidates

This election cycle, many individuals that I talk to on a frequent basis are examining the possibility of voting for a write-in candidate for president given our disappointing choices from the major two party candidates. While the most prominent of these candidates are Evan McMullin and Jill Stein, there are a host of others –

The Atlanta Press Club Loudermilk-Young Debate Series

The debates for U.S. Senate, GA-3 Congress, and Public Service Commission, District 2 have been posted by the Atlanta Press Club. Share your thoughts on each of the races in the comment section. U.S. Senate Debate – Sen Johnny Isakson (R, Incumbent) vs. Democrat Jim Barksdale and Libertarian Allen Buckley GA-3 Congressional Debate – Republican

Priorities USA SuperPAC Will Spend $2 Million on Ads Supporting Hillary Clinton

Democratic SuperPAC Priorities USA will be spending $2 million on advertising in the Peach State on behalf of Hillary Clinton in the runup to the November election. According to a story by Mother Jones, the group chose a commercial called “Our Daughter Grace,” which includes video of Donald Trump mocking the disability of a New

Georgia Politicos React to Trump’s Refusal to Say if He Will Accept Election Results

The big headline from Wednesday’s presidential debate was Republican candidate Donald Trump’s unwillingness to say whether he would accept the results of the November 8th election. After being asked a direct question by moderator Chris Wallace, Trump answered, “I’ll keep you in suspense.” As could be expected, Trump’s response drew strong reactions from Georgia officials