Category: 2016 Elections

Carter Center Calls POTUS Election Rigging Claims “Unfounded and Irresponsible”; Jimmy Carter Slams Candidates Who Tout Said Nonsense

The Carter Center, probably the world’s leading experts on fraudulent elections, hopes to tamp down some of the paranoia being inflamed by certain candidates about the integrity of U.S. elections this November. Without naming any specific candidates, the Carter Center issued a multi-point rebuttal for why there is no reason to believe the POTUS elections will

Mayor Reed, Coke CEO Made Initial Hillary Veepstakes

Two of the 39 people under initial consideration for Hillary’s VP nomination came from Atlanta. Mayor Kasim Reed and Coca-Cola head honcho Muhtar Kent were suggested to Hillary Clinton from campaign chair John Podesta, the AJC reports having sifted through the WikiLeaks dump of Podesta’s hacked email account. Podesta lumped them in as the “first cut

Another View of the GACR’s Position

Apparently there is more to the GeorgiaPol story, reported this morning, that the Georgia College Republicans have distanced themselves from Donald Trump’s candidacy. According to my sources the GACR Chapters were evenly split on their official statement and it required a vote of the state officers to break the tie. Opposition to the official statement

On Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud, Randy Evans Adds Fuel to the Fire

In the closing weeks of the 2016 presidential elections, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been suggesting that the elections process is rigged, and that voter fraud was likely. On Monday, he tweeted, “Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going

Georgia Association of College Republicans Distances Itself From Trump

The Georgia Association of College Republicans officially distanced itself from Donald Trump’s candidacy Monday afternoon. In a statement released Monday afternoon, the organization’s General Assembly wrote, “Donald Trump, throughout his presidential campaign and beforehand, has made several comments and statements that have offended women, veterans, Gold Star families, the disabled, political refugees, and religious and ethnic

The Art of Deflection

Our Republican nominee for President, Donald Trump, has climbed the political ladder by poo-pooing those below him.  Republican leaders, sitting congressmen and senators, and even the Speaker of the House have been targeted at being awful people for calling out some of Donald Trump’s ridiculous statements.  Most recently, Speaker Paul Ryan announced that he won’t

To Amend Or Not To Amend

This week’s Courier Herald column: When Georgia voters go to the polls between now and November 8th, they will be given a series of proposed constitutional amendments to consider. Four measures will be decided that could give the Governor more power to fix chronically failing schools, establish new taxes on strip clubs, provide political oversight