Category: 2016 Elections

Federal judge orders extension of voter registration deadline for Chatham County

Some residents of Chatham County were already evacuating by Thursday, Oct. 6, five days before the deadline to register to vote in the November general election. By Oct. 7, many government offices had closed. That night, many area homes lost power; some homes remained without power for a week. Yes, many evacuees were in places

Supporting Donald Trump, Jack Kingston Tweets Infowars

Former Savannah congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Jack Kingston has become one of presidential candidate Donald Trump’s most vocal surrogates. He regularly appears on cable TV news shows in support of Trump’s candidacy, including Friday night, when he appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, attempting to defend Trump’s remarks as locker room talk: This morning,

Abrams: Trump Is Trying to Intimidate Voters

In the wake of reports that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made improper sexual advances towards as many as eight women, the candidate has amplified his concerns that the November election could be stolen, giving Democrat Hillary Clinton an undeserved victory. The possibility of voter fraud was first brought up by Trump in August, when

New Poll Shows Trump and Isakson Leading in Georgia

Landmark Communications just released new Georgia polling that shows Republican Donald Trump leading Democrat Hillary Clinton by 5.5 percentage points, and Republican Johnny Isakson leading Democrat Jim Barksdale by 13.6 points. The poll was taken Tuesday and Wednesday using 1,400 likely Georgia voters. The margin of error is 2.7% IN the presidential race, Trump had

Georgia In Play: From Likely to Lean GOP, Plus, How Will Counties Vote?

Everyone is familiar with the maps that attempt to show how each state will vote in the presidential race, typically color coded red and blue, with lighter shades indicating less confidence in the prediction. Over at ShareBlue, a Democratic-leaning media company, they’ve come up with state-level maps that project how each county will vote in

Vote Yes for the Opportunity School District Constitutional Amendment — It’s About Accountability

Television ads are running throughout Georgia trying to scare voters into voting against the proposed Opportunity School District (“OSD”) Constitutional Amendment, an education reform proposal desperately needed in our state. These scare tactics by advocates of the status quo failed before in 2012 when Georgians overwhelmingly supported the State Charter School Amendment, and we need

Voter Registration Deadline is Today

The title says its all—today is the last day to register as a voter in the 2016 presidential election. It’s also the last day to update any voter information. Despite an unpredictable, unprecedented season of presidential campaigns , we can all agree that the ability to be heard by the leaders of our nation is