Category: 2020 Elections

Today Was Senator Isakson’s Day

This morning we were greeted with a bit of a surprise from Senator Isakson, with the now well covered news of his early retirement. He’s made no secret of his health challenges, and a recent fall with broken ribs combined with a newly discovered issue with his kidneys have led him to decide that it

Top Twenty of 2020 Democratic Primary

The road to the White House runs straight through Georgia. The chair of the Georgia Democratic Party, Senator Nikema Williams has a new mantra.  She is right. Tonight, begins a two night debate with the top twenty Democratic 2020 candidates.  Partly thanks to the national groundwork laid by Stacey Abrams’s gubernatorial campaign and her potential

Biden, Buttegieg, Booker and Beto (Oh, My!) Spending the Week in Georgia

From Wednesday to Thursday our lives will be improved as four Democratic Presidential hopefuls deign to grace us with their presence. Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Corey Booker, Mayor Pete Buttegieg and former congressman Beto O’Rourke will be in Atlanta for a series of fundraisers and Thursday’s African American Leadership Summit and IWillVote Gala. Really

Shafer Elected To Head Republican Party At A Crossroads

This week’s Courier Herald column: Condolences to David Shafer. The Georgia Republican Party held its biennial convention for the election of state officers last weekend in Savannah.  Shafer, the former candidate for Lieutenant Governor and President Pro Tempore of the Georgia Senate prior to that, takes the helm of the party’s grassroots structure in advance