Category: Agriculture

Marijuana on the ballot

Multiple states will offer voters a chance to express their opinion about easing marijuana laws including 5 with recreational use initiatives making weed legal. Florida is the closest to Georgia where voters will decide if pot may be offered for medicinal purposes. Here is a story from the AP posted on Cannabist about the ballot initiatives.

Georgia Ag. Commissioner talks preventing labor delays for farmers

Elected officials in Georgia are working to see what they can do to prevent farmers from experiencing the travesty of a lack of seasonal workers because of over-regulation by the federal government. Georgia’s Commissioner of Agriculture, Gary Black, joined Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue Thursday for a session with the Department of Labor. The

Trump’s Agricultural Advisory Committee Includes Prominent Georgians

Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump announced the formation of his agricultural advisory committee today. Three Georgians are members of the committee, including Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, former Governor Sonny Perdue, and State Senate Chairman of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs John Wilkinson. In a statement, Trump said, The members of my agricultural advisory committee

Isakson’s Food Security Bill Divides Republican Party

The Republican Party is splitting in two. Factional rumblings over America’s proper role in the world are rising to the surface and the difference between George W. Bush’s America— the world’s moral compass and protector—and Donald Trump’s America—insular and hell-bent on preserving national interests—could not be more stark. While Trump may have been the catalyst,

GA Congressmen Join Effort to Defund Enforcement of EPA’s WOTUS Rule

Six Georgia congressmen joined over 100 of their colleagues in requesting language in upcoming federal appropriations bills that would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers from enforcing the controversial Waters of the United States rule passed last year. The rule greatly expands the scope of what is considered navigable waters to

The U.S. Dep. Secretary of Agriculture is from Camilla. And She Is Resigning.

We received word from Representative Sanford Bishop’s (D – Albany) office yesterday that Mitchell County’s own, Krysta Harden, will be stepping down as Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture. Representative Bishop sent along some mighty kind words for the Camilla native that we thought were worth a read: From Representative Bishop: “Growing