Category: Congress

Collins preaches message of “Hope and Inclusion”.

Congressman Doug Collins continues making good on his promise to bring Northeast Georgia values and vision to national conversations about our country’s path forward. In his op-ed piece in this morning’s Washington Post the Congressman wrote: Republicans erred when we allowed our friends across the aisle to hijack the narrative of hope and inclusion. Not

Georgia’s Clout Increasing In Washington

This week’s Courier Herald column: Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve taken a look at the national and partisan implications of the surprising win for Donald Trump. Today we’re going to focus on what this means for Georgia. Access is power in Washington. Several prominent Georgia Democrats are now rethinking their future, as their

Congressman Doug Collins Seeking House GOP Caucus Vice-Chairmanship

Congressman Doug Collins (R-GA-09) has thrown his hat into the ring to be the next vice-chairman of the House Republican Caucus.  Current Vice-Chairwoman Lynn Jenkins announced her intention to not run again and focus more on her policy initiatives: repealing Obamacare and tax reform.  Both of which have been made a priority of President-elect Donald

Georgia Congressmen Applaud Donald Trump Winning the Presidency

We are starting to get reactions from Georgia’s representatives in the U.S. House and Senat over President Elect Donald Trump’s upset win Tuesday night over Hillary Clinton. Senator Johnny Isakson: I congratulate Donald Trump and Mike Pence on winning a hard-fought campaign. The genius of America is that the real power always rests with the

One Lame Duck Who Will Still Be Working for Georgians Even After the Election

Despite not seeking reelection, Congressman Lynn Westmoreland will still have his staff out and about post-election doing mobile office hours. On Tuesday, November 15th, Westmorland will have representatives from his permanent district office in Newman, in Griffin and Lagrange in order to speak with constituents and to distribute information that would normally be only available

Sen. Perdue Endorses Donald Trump ‘s Proposal for Term Limits

Within days of taking office in 2015, Senator David Perdue fulfilled a campaign promise, and co-sponsored a bill limiting the number of terms a congressman could serve in Washington. It fit his image as a political outsider. On Tuesday, another political outsider, Donald Trump, also called for term limits. Donald Trump’s Washington is shaping up