Category: Congress

Congressman Tom Price Previews Proposed GOP Policy Solutions

The U.S. House Republican Conference is planning to roll out a list of policy solutions prior to the Republican National Convention in July, according to 6th District Congressman Tom Price, who spoke at Saturday’s Fulton County GOP breakfast. Comparing the proposals to 1994’s Contract with America, Price told those at the breakfast that “If this

Georgia Republicans Applaud Health Care Ruling

On Thursday, a U.S. District Court judge ruled that the Obama administration exceeded its authority by subsidizing health insurers who participate in the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Former Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans filed the lawsuit claiming that the reimbursements were unconstitutional because the money for the reimbursements had not been

Georgia Congressional Delegation Urges Officials for Defense Priorities

U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA), joined by U.S. Representatives Buddy Carter (R-GA-01), Sanford Bishop (D-GA-02), Hank Johnson (D-GA-04), Austin Scott (R-GA-08), and Tom Graves (R-GA-14), wrote a letter to Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James and Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh urging them to consider locating new

Speaker Ryan Praises Loudermilk, Provides Path To Work With Trump

Yesterday while on a trip to Washington I was able to attend a meeting with Paul Ryan, my Congressman Barry Loudermilk, and a group of Loudermilk’s supporters. Speaker Ryan praised Loudermilk as a “do-er”, and noted that he was one of the top freshmen in this Congressional Class, by passing three bills. Loudermilk noted that

America Was Founded by Career Politicians

If you’re running for political office, heaven help you if you imply you know what you’re doing. Voters cry for “outsiders,” fearing with some reason that political office, like the One Ring, corrupts those who wield it. Long spells in office can contribute to indolence, cynicism, or arrogance; then again, so can rotten personalities. Voters

Congressman Collins & Windstream CEO Thomas meet

Windstream CEO Tony Thomas and 9th District Congressman Doug Collins met today in the Congressman’s Gainesville office to discuss solutions to the continuing service problems in Northeast Georgia. The utility comes under federal purview because it accepted federal money from the Connect America Fund and has received substantial federal tax breaks. In a press release

David Perdue’s Opposition to Criminal Justice Bill Draws Praise

The following is a guest Op-Ed written by Steven H. Cook, President of the National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys, in response to Monday’s Op-Ed from Jason Pye: In Jason Pye’s post David Perdue Wrong on Justice Reform, he suggests proponents believe that Senator Perdue’s opposition to the current legislation, which is spearheaded by Families