Category: Congress

David Perdue Wrong on Justice Reform

The following is a guest Op-Ed by our longtime friend and one of Georgia’s original political bloggers, Jason Pye: On Thursday, a bipartisan group of senators, led by Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), unveiled improvements to the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, S. 2123. The measure is designed to reform federal sentencing policies, bring

GA Congressional Leaders Highlight Robins Air Force Base

This morning, Georgia Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue, along with Representatives Sanford Bishop and Austin Scott, met with roughly 50 leaders from the Air Force and middle Georgia to discuss and emphasize the importance of Robins Air Force base both in the nation’s defense role, as well as an economic catalyst to middle Georgia.

House Judiciary Committee Passes Bill To Protect Innovation

Congressman Doug Collins’ (R-GA-09) office sent out a press release concerning the House Judiciary Committee’s passing S. 1890, the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 out of its committee.  Congressman Collins sponsored the House version.  You can read the full presser below: Today, the House Judiciary Committee marked up S. 1890, the Defend Trade Secrets Act

Former Top Paul Broun Staffer Indicted On Eight Counts

The Department of Justice indicted David Bowser, the former chief of staff for then-Representative Paul Broun, with one count of obstruction of proceedings, one count theft of government property, one count of concealment of material facts, and five counts of making false statements in connection to the congressional ethics investigation into Broun’s misuse of taxpayer

Isakson, Grassley Go To Bat on Behalf of Veterans’ 2nd Amendment Rights

In a press release dispersed by Senator Johnny Isakson’s office on Tuesday, it was described that Senators Johnny Isakson and Chuck Grassley recently authored a letter to the VA Secretary, Robert McDonald. The senators both expressed concern over the VA’s current practice of placing veterans on a gun ban list without first determining whether or

Senator David Perdue: Fix the Budget Process

Georgia Senator David Perdue, a member of the Senate Budget Committee is continuing his efforts to reform the way the federal government makes spending and appropriations decisions. The current system, he argues, has only worked four times in the last 40 years, and has led to gridlock, last minute omnibus spending bills, and a national

House Budget Committee Proposes a Balanced Budget

The U.S. House Budget Committee revealed its proposed FY 2017 budget today. The resolution proposes a budget that balances within ten years without a tax increase, saving approximately $7 trillion via spending reductions and economic growth. It proposes defense funding levels above President Obama’s funding proposal, and provides for the preservation of Medicare. Georgia’s 6th