Category: Congress

Congressman Doug Collins Continues To Inquire About Windstream’s Poor Quality Of Service

Congressman Doug Collins (R-GA-09) has sent a letter to Windstream CEO Tony Thomas regarding issues with customers not getting the quality of service that they are paying for.  That’s not usually a thing a congressman gets involved with, but the issue is that Windstream is participating in a federal government program to provide access to

Mike Crane Demonstrates Politics As Usual

Senator Mike Crane, a candidate for Congress, ran for the hills rather than participate in the state Senate budget vote. His avoidance is particularly strange given he is a subcommittee chairman on the budget-writing committee. Those in Governor Deal’s orbit quickly pounced on him. Governor Deal’s Chief of Staff Chris Riley said that Senator Crane, “walks on budget

House Passes Collins Bill to Extend Post-Delivery Care for Veterans

The House of Representatives passed Congressman Doug Collins’ (R-GA-9) bill on Tuesday, H.R. 423. The Newborn Care Improvement Act was authored by Collins, and is part of a larger package of bills called the Veteran Employment, Education, and Healthcare Improvement Act. His bill specifically addresses post-delivery care services for female veterans. H.R. 423 will extend

Savannah Harbor Expansion Project faces lingering questions on funding, environmental impact

Georgia’s top elected officials have already aimed harsh criticism at the Obama administration for its relatively meager funding for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project in the President’s proposed 2017 budget. Click here for Nicole Hammett’s post about those criticisms. The Savannah Morning News (where I’ve been a freelance columnist for 15 years) also has extensive

Georgia Wins Over Obama Administration In SCOTUS Ruling Over Coal Regulations

The Supreme Court has ruled the Obama Administration overstepped its authority with new EPA regulations that would affect the coal fueled power plants.  This has direct implications for Georgia, and looks to be setting up a possible trend where the Supreme Court begins to assert its own power in an attempt to contain the powers

Answers Demanded on Funding for Savannah Harbor Expansion Project

U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA), as well as U.S. Representative Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA-1), spoke out in a press release on Tuesday against the Obama administration’s fiscal year 2017 budget request. They demanded answers on funding for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP), which is critical to keep the project

Johnny Isakson Fights To Protect Families’ Retirement Savings

U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA), chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety, recently introduced the Affordable Retirement Advice Protections Act. This new legislation is meant to protect access to affordable retirement savings services for low- and middle-income Americans. Isakson’s legislation is one of a series of proposals