Category: Congress

Ocmulgee Mounds National Historic Park Takes Next Step Towards Realization

A gaggle of Middle Georgians deserve a large pat on the back, because years of work have gone into this. Yesterday, in a rare show of bipartisanship from Congress, Representatives Austin Scott and Sanford Bishop announced that the move to change the Ocmulgee National Monument to a National Historic Park passed unanimously out of committee. This

House Responds to Healthcare Veto

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives voted on a measure opposing President Obama’s recent veto of the Restoring American’s Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act. In a vote of 241-186, the House Democrats blocked the bill from passing. It included measures to defund Planned Parenthood and essentially end Obamacare. Following the vote, House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price,

House Votes To Punish Iran By Restraining Sanctions Relief

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed the Iran Terror Finance Transparency Act (HR 3662). This bill strengthens congressional oversight of U.S. economic and trade sanctions against Iran, specifically over financiers of Iranian terrorism. It prohibits the administration from lifting sanctions related to destabilizing activities, such as its ballistic missile program. This legislation comes after Iran recently test fired ballistic

Tom Graves Inherits Lynn Westmoreland’s Seat On Powerful House Panel

Congressman Tom Graves (R-GA-14) will be inheriting soon-to-be-retiring Congressman Lynn Westmoreland’s coveted seat on the House Republican Steering Committee.  The 35-member panel determines the committee chairmanships for the US House. A statement by Congressman Graves via the AJC: “I’m grateful to Lynn Westmoreland for his friendship and leadership, and I intend to be a strong