Category: Congress

Congressman Ferguson addresses 21st Century AIRR Act

The 21st Century AIRR Act passed out of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on June 27th.  The bipartisan 21st Century AIRR Act (H.R. 2997), legislation that provides a transformational reform of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Committee approved the 21st Century Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization Act (21st Century AIRR Act) by a vote

Isakson Proposes Comprehensive G.I. Bill Update & Reform

From a press release: WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, today introduced broad, bipartisan legislation that seeks to improve veterans’ education benefits and enhance the post-9/11 G.I. Bill. The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, S.1598, will further invest in the proven educational

Here Comes The Wall…Funding

Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee approved the Homeland Security Appropriations bill.  The appropriations bill is what fund the Department of Homeland Security annually. In that bill, the House will appropriate $1.6 billion to start construction of a wall on the US-Mexico border which was one of President Donald Trump’s main campaign topics. There is also

No, Congressman Tom Graves Doesn’t Support Amnesty

Misinformation has been spread via social media about Congressman Tom Graves’ (R-GA-14) supposed “betrayal of American workers” with alleged tacit support of an amendment proposed by Democratic Congressman Pete Aguilar of California that would allow those under the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy established under the Obama administration to seek for Federal

“Repeal and Replace” is Dead – What Does that Mean for Georgia?

Monday night at a dinner with select Senators, in his typical bombastic way, President Trump said they — presumably meaning Senate Republicans and not Republicans in general to include him — would look like “dopes,” and also “terrible” and “weak,” if they didn’t pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act. Almost simultaneously, two Senators not at the meeting,

The Return of Federal Earmarks?

Tamar Hallaman wrote an article over the weekend about how the federal earmark ban has come back to haunt us in the form of the Port of Savannah. For those who have known me a while, you know I’m straining really hard not to say the most obvious, childish thing on the planet. No, I’m

Pres. Trump Makes Articulate, Fact-Based Analysis of CD-6 Race

Just kidding, we all know that’s impossible. Instead, President Trump relied on his usual bombastic and semi-conspiratorial scolding (AKA: his most presidential sounding voice) to predict Republicans will win on Tuesday. Anyone want to hazard a guess if he even knows who the Republicans are? Methinks he has no clue. The recent Kansas election (Congress) was