Category: Congress

Price Confirmation Criticism All About Theater

This week’s Courier Herald column: The political theater occurring in Washington is producing Oscar level material. In fact, it would be appropriate for Hollywood to add a best Kabuki theater category. This way, the Democrats in Congress could finally be recognized for their achievements in chutzpah. We know how much the left likes to celebrate

Johnny Isakson Takes Oath For Third Term; Continues To Chair Two Committees

From a press release: WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., took his third oath of office in the U.S. Senate as the 115th Congress convened today. He again marked the occasion with his family in attendance in the Senate chamber, including his wife Dianne, their three grown children, spouses and grandchildren. Isakson was escorted

Collins to Introduce REINS Act, Lead in Regulatory Reform Efforts

From a press release: WASHINGTON—The House Rules Committee has posted the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act in preparation for its introduction on January 3. Congressman Collins, who sits on both Judiciary and Rules Committees—which share jurisdiction over the REINS Act—is the lead sponsor of the bill that President-elect Donald Trump

Tom Price, Stock Investments, And Some Needed Perspective

Apparently the clutching of pearls has been added as a Festivus holiday activity. The Wall Street Journal published a story last night noting that Congressman Tom Price, now President Elect Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services, owned and/or traded $300,000 of stock in medical related companies.  The AJC has dutifully followed up