Category: Democrats

Partisans Battle Over Southwest Georgia

So much of Georgia is discussed politically in broad brush strokes. We’re a “red state”. Democrats are mostly urban creatures found inside or near Atlanta’s Perimeter. The battle of attrition is usually one discussed as the long awaiting “changing demographics” of Atlanta’s suburbs. For bonus points, “white suburban women” have been long publicly acknowledged as

Will Forsyth County Elect An African American Man?

The short answer: No. Forsyth County is infamous for its bloody expulsion of its black residents in 1912. If you are interested in this notorious page of Forsyth County’s history, you can purchase Patrick Phillips new book, Blood At The Roots, on Amazon. It’s a disturbing and interesting read. As the legend goes, Forsyth County had

How Donald Trump’s Candidacy Is Affecting Politics in the South

As we approach the end of the 2016 election cycle, what had appeared to point to a blowout election for Democrat Hillary Clinton has tightened considerably, with late state-by-state polls showing Republican Donald Trump narrowing her lead. Because of Electoral College math, Clinton is still favored, but some states she had hoped to turn appear

GA House Minority Leader Abrams on GA Democrats, Clinton, and a Racist Trump

I posted earlier about Sen. David Perdue’s thoughts from a CNBC interview that Georgia was not in play for Hillary Clinton. CNBC has also released a portion of an interview with Georgia House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams where she shares her belief that Georgia is winnable for Hillary Clinton. She began the interview by stating: “To

Clinton Inc.

A number of major media outlets have finally gotten past hearsay accusations of sexual misconduct against Donald Trump to explore the many ‘ethically deficient’ (phrase used by HRC apologist and Princeton prof Eddie Glaude on Morning Joe today) activities in Clinton World. It seems most emanate from a company called Teneo formed by Clinton loyalists Doug Band and

Georgia In Play: From Likely to Lean GOP, Plus, How Will Counties Vote?

Everyone is familiar with the maps that attempt to show how each state will vote in the presidential race, typically color coded red and blue, with lighter shades indicating less confidence in the prediction. Over at ShareBlue, a Democratic-leaning media company, they’ve come up with state-level maps that project how each county will vote in

A Truly Great Debate at UGA

Last night, UGA’s College Republicans and Young Democrats faced off in the annual rendition of The Great Debate, an event where each organization argues its party’s platform in front of a student audience. I was dispatched to cover it and must say that if we are to judge these debates by their entertainment value, I