Category: Democrats

Barksdale A Bit Hypocritical On Trade

This week’s Courier Herald column: It’s not unusual to see campaign promises and pledges that diverge from reality. Campaign ads are designed to evoke emotion and feeling, both for a candidate and/or against an opponent. Most voters realize there is a “buyer beware” element with any advertisement, and especially campaign ads. And yet, when emotions

Looking at the Barksdale Campaign, Democrats Wonder, “What If?”

CNN takes a look at the Georgia Senate race between Democrat Jim Barksdale and Republican Johnny Isakson, and wonders if the Democrats missed an opportunity to pick up a Senate seat in this year of presidential candidate discontent. Prominent Georgia Democrats, from Rev. Raphael Warnock of Ebenezer Baptist Church to House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams

Ten Congressmen Join John Lewis Calling for Swift Action on Gun Control Legislation

John Lewis took the floor of House of Representatives Wednesday, demanding Congress take action on gun control legislation. The issue has been a priority for Lewis, who cited several Atlantans who were recent victims of gun violence as reasons to act immediately. Following his remarks, Lewis was joined in the well by Reps. Robin Kelly (D-IL),

Democrat Disapproves of Clayton County’s Opposition to Gov. Deal’s Education Plan

There are signs of bipartisanship in Clayton County as some Democrats are supporting Republican Gov. Nathan Deal’s education reform plan heading into the November election. After the Clayton County school board unanimously approved a symbolic resolution disavowing the Opportunity School District constitutional amendment (which will be on the ballot in November), Democratic State Rep. Valencia

Which Are The Most Vulnerable Seats in the General Assembly this November?

Over at Politics4Tomorrow, Austin Wagner takes a look at which State House and State Senate districts might be most vulnerable to flip from Republican to Democrat and vice-versa. To determine the districts most likely to flip, he starts with a vulnerability index developed by the DailyKos to determine winnable U.S. house and senate races, and

Democrats, Manuel’s Tavern, and Bill Clinton: This Ain’t a Drill

Manuel’s Tavern is more than a bar. It’s where Ralph McGill unwound after a full day of giving the Civil Rights Movement a fair shake. Gene Patterson undoubtedly discussed his famed column, A Flower for the Graves, with his fellow stool dwellers amidst the cherry paneled corridors. The sainted adherents of Dr. Martin Luther King

Georgia Voices Join Call for A Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Clinton

It has not been a good week for Hillary Clinton. The Federal Bureau of Investigation discovered 14,900 additional emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server that had not previously been identified. An investigation by the Associated Press shows that more than half of those representing private interests who met with Clinton while she was Secretary