Category: Democrats

Georgia GOP Chair Calls for Hank Johnson’s Resignation

In response to 4th District Representative Hank Johnson’s remarks that compared Jewish settlers in the West Bank to a stream of Termites, Georgia GOP Chairman John Padgett called for the congressman’s resignation. Thanks to President Obama’s failed leadership and reckless foreign policy, our relationship with Israel is strained. Congressman Hank Johnson’s comments were wildly offensive

Mayors Reed & Franklin, Stacey Abrams Highlight Georgians at Democratic Convention

The GOP Convention, warts and all, is mercifully over. And on Monday the Democrats begin their quadrennial ritual of formalizing their nominee for POTUS. Georgia Democrats, in contrast to the Republicans, will have several high-profile positions at their convention. (Governor Deal was the most prominent Georgia Republican, speaking on a panel about criminal justice reform). Former

How Loyal to Their Party Are State Senators?

Which Georgia State Senators are most likely to vote with the other members of their party? During the 2015-2016 legislative session, for Republicans, the list includes Brandon Beach, John Wilkinson, and Tyler Harper. For the Democrats, names would include Michael Rhett and Gail Davenport. Who votes least with their party? Republicans Mike Crane, Josh McKoon,

Which Political Party Will Shape Georgia’s Future? — Republicans But Only If They Choose to Govern Well

The AJC’s Political Insider article yesterday, Kasim Reed to Democrats: Demographics alone won’t turn Georgia, also contains a message for the Georgia Republican Party in this time of political turmoil – govern well and expand your base or your days are numbered. Both political parties in Georgia are far too dependent on differing racial, religious,

Who is Patricia “Trisha” Mc­Cracken (#GA12 Dem Candidate)?

The question of the night in GA-12 seemed to be who exactly is Patricia “Trisha” Mc­Cracken, the newly selected Democratic challenger set to face Rep. Rick Allen in GA-12 in November. McCracken defeated Joyce Nolin 62% to 38%, despite apparently not speaking to the media, putting out signs, setting up a website or Facebook page, attending

Wallace Trumped Cruz

For anyone familiar with Dan Carter’s The Politics of Rage, this election cycle, while rife with randomness, the tenor of this election cycle has been far from unpredictable. Starting in the early 1960s and arguably reaching into the late 70s, George Wallace and his horde of out of control, states’ rights social warriors were a