Category: Democrats

Obama Snubs Barrow; Endorses Abrams, Riggs-Amico and Two State House Challengers

Former President Barack Obama made his “first wave” of endorsements nationwide in the 2018 race. While four Georgia Democrats received his good news, John Barrow, a national co-chair of Obama’s “Vote for Change” initiative during the 2008 presidential race, did not. Ouch. A message was left for the Barrow campaign and I’ll update when I

A Questionable Poll With All Dems Up in Georgia

Democrats almost assuredly like the results from the latest Gravis Marketing poll. Trump disapproval 49%, only 46% approve! Generic Dem congressional candidate up by four points! Abrams over Kemp by two points! Sarah Riggs Amico(!) over Goff [sic] Duncan by two points! Barrow over Raffensberger by four(!) points! Same-sex marriage supporters outnumber opponents by three percent!  But

Guest Post: Rep. Scott Holcomb Discusses Russia and Election Integrity in Georgia

N.B.: The following is a guest post from State Representative Scott Holcomb (D-Atlanta). Holcomb is one of the leading voices on election integrity in Georgia. – TLA Our federal government needs to speak with one voice about the security of our elections. That isn’t happening. And our state needs to take action, too. That’s not


We all know and love tolerate Charlie, heretofore “Icarus” for a thousand reasons including: His cuddly personality His delicate way with words His contagious effervescence His unceasing fidelity to all things Yellow Jackets/Gators He signs our fat checks (although for ~11 years mine have been in the mail….damn you, USPS!) But most of all…. TODAY

Cagle Would Campaign for ATL World Cup Hosting, Abrams and Kemp Have Reservations

GeorgiaPol likes to break hard news for our readers and we’re doing so here. I asked all three candidates for Governor the following questions: “The Unified bid won the right to stage the 2026 World Cup. As governor, would [s/he] back Atlanta’s effort to be one of the host cities? Does [s/he] have any plans

Biden Endorses Abrams

My very close friend Joey B. is now officially unofficially running for prez (or is it unofficially officially) having endorsed Stacey Abrams. In a statement released by the Abrams campaign this morning, the former Vice President said: Stacey Abrams is a bold leader who knows what it will take to get results for Georgians. She