Category: Governor

Ralston Puts “Other Georgia” In The Spotlight

This week’s Courier Herald column: There was a time in recent Georgia history when it was impolite to talk about the concept of “Two Georgias”. There was the thriving and growing Atlanta – the economic engine of the state. Then, there was everything else. The “Other Georgia”. The people that could see the writing on

Joe Wilkinson Added To Jekyll Island Authority Board

Former State Representative Joe Wilkinson has been added to the Jekyll Island Authority Board of Directors by Governor Nathan Deal. From the Golden Isles News: Joe Wilkinson was appointed as a new member to the board. Wilkinson served more than 11 years on the Jekyll Island Foundation and now serves as an advisory board member.

State Patrol Officer Tony Henry Has Died

Many of you don’t know the name Tony Henry, but you’ve likely seen him, or at least seen his picture.  Georgia State Patrol Officer SFC Tony Henry was a member of Governor Nathan Deal’s protective detail.  He was also a motorcycle enthusiast, a great family man, and a friend to many at the Capitol. The

Rep Mandi Ballinger Brings New Campus Carry Bill

Yesterday, Rep Mandi Ballinger (R-Cherokee County) dropped a slightly revised “Campus Carry” bill into the hopper.  The legislature passed a similar bill last year but the measure was vetoed by Governor Nathan Deal. After the bill was passed last session, the Governor weighed in with a list of concerns.  It was late in session and

Losing Isn’t Permanent; Quitting Isn’t An Option

This week’s Courier Herald column: When a loss comes suddenly, especially after a long series of victories, the blow can seem overwhelming. Cruel. Even Permanent. Many an Atlantan can understand that feeling this week. We’re used to our sports teams becoming good when we didn’t necessarily expect it. Remaining good enough to change our expectations.

Georgia Addressing Firefighters’ Cancer Risk

This week’s Courier Herald column: As Georgia’s economic fortunes have improved over the past several years, the state has made an effort to reinvest in those that serve us. The economic downturn meant sparse times for taxpayers, which meant fewer tax dollars flowing into state coffers for several years. Public sector employees bore the brunt

Deal, Cagle, and Ralston Addressed Priorities at GMA Breakfast

Yesterday, Governor Nathan Deal, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle, and House Speaker David Ralston all spoke to municipal elected officials and city staff at the Georgia Municipal Association’s annual Mayor’s Day breakfast in downtown Atlanta. Highlights! Governor Nathan Deal Last May, Governor Deal vetoed HB 216, which would have granted workers’ compensation to firefighters diagnosed with

Bert Brantley Named Chief Operating Officer for GA Dept Of Economic Development; Spencer Moore To Head DDS

Score one for the good guys. Bert Brantley has made a career in and out of Georgia’s government. His highest profile gig was as the Spokesperson for Governor Sonny Perdue during his second term. (Imagine for a moment being the guy serving between Dan McLagan and Brain Robinson.). In addition to being the mouth of

Text: Governor Deal Delivers State Of The State Address

Updated: The text of Governor Deal’s State of the State address is now available: January 11, 2017 Lt. Gov. Cagle, Speaker Ralston, President Pro Tem Shafer, Speaker Pro Tem Jones, members of the General Assembly, constitutional officers, members of the judiciary, members of the consular corps, my fellow Georgians: In 1944, Georgia’s own Johnny Mercer