Category: Governor

Governor Deal Appoints Board Members

Governor Nathan Deal appointed nine individuals to various state boards on Friday, June 17th. Four individuals were appointed to the Council on Aging: Maureen Kelly, Perry Kemp, Pharm.D, Tony Marshall and Ashton Windham. A graduate from Georgia State University and the University of Georgia, Maureen Kelly is the president of the Thanks Mom & Dad

GOP Convention Demonstrates Cross Purposes

This week’s Courier Herald column: Republicans pride themselves of being the party of free markets. In politics, there are two primary measures of whether or not the markets are working. The monetary measure is fundraising for party activities. The market measure that ultimately matters is at the ballot box. Georgia Republicans have been maxing out

A Resolution on Republican Principles Divides the GOP

Debate over a resolution entitled “A Resolution On Getting Back to the Basics of Republican Principles” at this past weekend’s Georgia Republican Convention showed some differences of opinion among the convention delegates. The first part of the resolution chides the Georgia legislature for not overriding Governor Nathan Deal’s veto of House Bill 757, the Free

A Group Thanks Governor Deal for His Veto of HB 757

Attendees to this weekend’s Georgia Republican convention will see a large banner in the convention hall thanking Governor Nathan Deal for vetoing House Bill 757, the religious liberty bill. The banner is the work of Georgia Republicans for the future, a group of Georgia Republicans that opposes discrimination. In a statement, the group’s founder, Allen

Deal Announces Teacher Advisory Committee

Going into the 2016 legislative session last winter, there was an expectation that education reform, including a revision of the QBE formula and possibly adding merit pay for teachers, would be Governor Deal’s top priority. He had convened an education reform commission to study the issue and make recommendations, which they did. Yet, in his

Gov. Deal and AG Olens Respond to Federal Guidance Letter on Bathroom Use

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has weighed in on the rapidly growing controversy over which bathrooms transgender people should use at schools. Following the issuing of guidance by the federal Department of Education recommending that students should use the bathroom they feel most comfortable with, federal and state legislators quickly weighed in. This afternoon, Governor Deal

Georgia GOP Anger At Fever Pitch

This week’s Courier Herald column: Last week was a rough one for many longtime Georgia Republicans. Ted Cruz suspended his quest to be the Republican nominee for President, all but ensuring Donald Trump will arrive in Cleveland with well more than the 1,237 votes needed for nomination. Governor Nathan Deal vetoed a “campus carry” bill