Category: Legislature

Gaming In Georgia Already A Settled Question

This week’s Courier Herald column: One of the biggest battles developing in the Georgia General Assembly this year is over the revival of a proposal to bring full scale casino gaming to the Peach State. The measure, which has been revised to bring two “destination resort” casinos, requires a change to the state’s constitution, and

Rep Mandi Ballinger Brings New Campus Carry Bill

Yesterday, Rep Mandi Ballinger (R-Cherokee County) dropped a slightly revised “Campus Carry” bill into the hopper.  The legislature passed a similar bill last year but the measure was vetoed by Governor Nathan Deal. After the bill was passed last session, the Governor weighed in with a list of concerns.  It was late in session and

Losing Isn’t Permanent; Quitting Isn’t An Option

This week’s Courier Herald column: When a loss comes suddenly, especially after a long series of victories, the blow can seem overwhelming. Cruel. Even Permanent. Many an Atlantan can understand that feeling this week. We’re used to our sports teams becoming good when we didn’t necessarily expect it. Remaining good enough to change our expectations.

Georgia Addressing Firefighters’ Cancer Risk

This week’s Courier Herald column: As Georgia’s economic fortunes have improved over the past several years, the state has made an effort to reinvest in those that serve us. The economic downturn meant sparse times for taxpayers, which meant fewer tax dollars flowing into state coffers for several years. Public sector employees bore the brunt

Rep Gerald Greene Hospitalized After Robbery

Aaron Sheinin of the AJC is reporting that State Representative Gerald Greene (R-Cuthbert) is recovering after being shot during a robbery in Columbus today.  It appears Greene was a customer at a convenience store when the robbery occurred.  Representative Greene was shot in the leg. The Speaker’s office indicates that Greene is in stable condition

Republicans drop bill to criminalize synthetic opioid in Georgia

It’s addictive, it’s dangerous, and it’s deadly. Synthetic opioids continue to top state and national headlines and while many like Demerol, Oxycodone, and even OxyContin can be prescribed by a doctor, there’s one that’s proven to be far worse than anything else on the street. The drug commonly known as U-4770 comes in various forms and can

Georgia Senate Announces New Committee Chairs

From a press release: ATLANTA (January 9, 2017) | The Senate Committee on Assignments has announced changes to its list of standing committee chairs and vice chairs for the first session of the 154th Georgia General Assembly: Sen. Brandon Beach (R – Alpharetta) will serve as chair of the Senate Transportation Committee. Sen. Ellis Black

Georgia House, Senate Convene At 10am

Theeeeeyy’rrrrreeee Baaaaaaaaack! It seems like just yesterday the gavel dropped Sine Die and everyone hurried off to Augusta, St. Simons, or anywhere else we/they could hide after 40 days under the Gold Dome. And yet, like Groundhog Day, here we are again. The Georgia House & Georgia Senate will gavel in at 10am. You can

Dear General Assembly: Good Luck

Today at 10 AM, the 154th Georgia General Assembly will convene and begin conducting business on behalf of Georgians.  A number of our readers happen to be some of those 236 members of Georgia’s legislature. To them, I (and to a larger extent we as citizens of Georgia) wish y’all luck today as you’re sworn