Due to inclement weather, GeorgiaPol.com is cancelling its annual Wild Hog Road Show that was scheduled for Sunday night. While we firmly believe #itwontsnow, we are don’t want Ed to slip and fall. And let’s be honest, Dear Leader Charlie Harper doesn’t want the “others” to show up anyway. So, we look forward to seeing
This week’s Courier Herald column: As our new year begins in Georgia, political optimism for many is fueled by the fact that a state governed by Republicans now has a White House and Congress controlled by Republicans. Well, optimism for many Republicans anyway. More than a few Democrats are still somewhere between pretending 2016 was
As the runoff heats up between Republican Chuck Payne and independent (but who will probably caucus with Democrats if elected) Debby Peppers, Chuck has picked up some big name endorsements to add to the bill in addition to former Congressman Jack Kingston and 9th District Congressman Doug Collins. Chuck has recently picked up an endorsement
80,000 jobs and $4 billion-with-a-B in wages is nothing to sneeze at. For a 20 to 30% discount on their state income taxes, filmmakers, television producers and video game companies do their respective things in Georgia, and NOT in places like North Carolina, Louisiana, or Michigan. That tax break translated into 245 feature film and
Whenever the idea of tax reform comes up in the state legislature, a common point of discussion is trading the state’s income tax for an increased sales tax. It’s a popular idea, given that neighboring states Florida and Tennessee appear to do well without an income tax. Many Georgians are fans of the FairTax, introduced
The House Committee on Regional Transit Solutions met briefly Wednesday afternoon, and decided to recommend to the full House that a funded study be undertaken to get a better idea of what realistic policy options would be available for the funding and governance of a regional transit solution for the Atlanta area. Chairman Christian Coomer
The House Study Committee on Military Affairs has yet to issue its final report, but its impact will continue to be felt within the General Assembly. The committee was established via a House resolution to study ways to strengthen and protect Georgia’s military installations in advance of a new round of military base consolidation and
With a voter turnout of 6.61%, Chuck Payne earned the most number of votes, but he was unable to secure an outright win with his 36.1% of the vote. He’ll be the sole Republican facing Democrat-running-as-an-Independent Debby Peppers, who came in 2nd with 27.42% in the January runoff. Justin Tomczak, who has been advising Chuck’s
State Senator John Albers of Alpharetta has decided against running to replace Congressman Tom Price in the 6th seat that is expected to be open following Price’s appointment to President Trump’s cabinet. Citing his responsibility to his family, he announced his choice on Facebook this morning. The past few weeks have been very exciting as
The Dalton Daily Citizen has an article saying that Conda Goodson, a Republican candidate in the Senate District 54 special election, was unaware that the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission (formerly, the State Ethics Commission) voted 4-0 to move forward with a hearing on possible campaign finance violations. From the Daily Citizen: “The