Category: Legislature

GA legislators fumble, realize Constitutional Amendment language was wrong

Exactly one month ago today, Georgia voters agreed to amend the state Constitution with three different amendments, one of which addresses the Judicial Qualifying Commission, or watchdog agency for judges in the state of Georgia. The amendment, during the legislative session and ahead of the election, was plagued with controversy for a number of reasons,

How Will Governments Handle Autonomous Cars?

Autonomous (self-driving or driverless) cars are still in their infancy.  Autonomous car designs are different from traditional human-driven cars and may lack both a steering wheel and pedals, so laws and regulations on the state and federal level may not be conducive to the testing of these cars on public roads.  Public road testing is

Defining the Terms of the Religious Liberty Debate

After Governor Deal vetoed the Free Exercise Protection Act last spring, There has been lots of speculation over whether “religious liberty” legislation would be a factor in the upcoming 2017 legislative session. That speculation grew more heated after House Speaker David Ralston wondered in an interview with Bill Nigut and Jim Galloway if the issue

November’s Election Impacts January’s Legislature

This week’s Courier Herald column: With the calendar now having turned to December, we’re roughly half way between last month’s election and next month’s “governing”. An Inauguration is on tap for Friday, January 20th. Congress and the Georgia legislature will begin legislative duties a couple of weeks earlier. While the professional political class and most

Legislative Leaders Present Ideas for the Upcoming Session

With the the 2017 legislative session beginning five weeks from today, we’re beginning to see what leadership in the General Assembly is prioritizing for the upcoming session. On Friday, House Speaker David Ralston presented some ideas in a conversation with Bill Nigut and Jim Galloway on GPB’s Political Rewind, while House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams

Price Domino Falls In East Cobb: Gus Makris To Seek Judson Hill’s Senate Seat

With Judson Hill announcing he’s in for the presumed special election to fill Tom Price’s Congressional seat, Georgia’s “resign to run law” means that there will be special election to fill Hill’s State Senate Seat upon his resignation or qualifying for the Congressional race. As such, East Cobb attorney Gus Makris is preparing to announce

When can we expect an election in GA-6?

With the nomination of Rep. Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services, potential candidates are already maneuvering to fill his seat.  While phone calls are being made and rumors are being launched, no one is yet sure when this special election sprint will end. Determining this should be easy: the governor determines an election date

Georgia Republicans and the Urban – Rural Divide

Over the weekend, Dunwoody’s Reporter Newspapers published a post mortem on the 2016 elections, featuring comments from Senator Fran Millar and State Rep. Tom Taylor, who represent the area, along with Oglethorpe University political professor Joseph Knippenberg. The theme of the story as expressed in both the headline and the lede was that Georgia Republicans

Georgia’s Clout Increasing In Washington

This week’s Courier Herald column: Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve taken a look at the national and partisan implications of the surprising win for Donald Trump. Today we’re going to focus on what this means for Georgia. Access is power in Washington. Several prominent Georgia Democrats are now rethinking their future, as their