Category: Legislature

HD-68: It’s A Sprint, Not A Marathon

As you may recall, Governor Nathan Deal appointed State Representative Dustin Hightower (R-HD-68) to a state superior court judgeship in the Coweta Judicial Circuit last week.  Represenetative Hightower had qualified for re-election with no challengers, so the Georgia Republican Party executive committee had a meeting last night to decide to reopen qualifying for House District

McKoon: Local Non-Discrimination Laws Shouldn’t Be Invalidated By a State RFRA

Republican State Senator Josh McKoon of Columbus says that local ordinances protecting the rights of gays and lesbians, like the one passed in the city of Atlanta, should be able to withstand a challenge under a proposed Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In a discussion on social media that was later confirmed with the senator,

Georgia GOP Anger At Fever Pitch

This week’s Courier Herald column: Last week was a rough one for many longtime Georgia Republicans. Ted Cruz suspended his quest to be the Republican nominee for President, all but ensuring Donald Trump will arrive in Cleveland with well more than the 1,237 votes needed for nomination. Governor Nathan Deal vetoed a “campus carry” bill

Overview of Gov. Deal’s Vetoes

Jon Richards covered the campus carry veto that is stealing the limelight, but there are 16 total bills that the Governor vetoed. He also used the line item veto on the 2017 budget (HB 751) and also disregarded some non-binding language in the same budget. The following is a synopsis of each of the bills that were vetoed.

Governor’s Veto Locks In Legacy

This week’s Courier Herald column: The Georgia General Assembly adjourned Sine Die the Thursday before Easter, after passing a controversial religious freedom bill the week before. It was a final week filled with threats of boycotts and political reprisals. After a brief break for Easter weekend, the Governor emerged last Monday with a veto. It