Category: Legislature

McCutchen’s Assessment of the 2016 Legislative Session

The Georgia Public Policy Foundation’s mission is to improve the lives of Georgians through public policies that enhance economic opportunity and freedom. At the end of the 2016 legislative session the Foundation’s President/CEO, Kelly McCutchen, painted a fairly bleak picture of the session’s results with these two words- Missed Opportunities! McCutchen’s overall assessment included the

Georgia Republican Party Reopens Qualifying in House Districts 3 and 52

Yesterday, the Georgia Republican Party executive committee voted to reopen qualifying on the Republican ticket in State House Districts 3 and 52 after incumbent Representatives Tom Weldon and Joe Wilkinson, respectively, decided to withdraw their candidacy. The Catoosa County Republican convention passed a resolution requesting that the state GOP to reopen qualifying for House District

Episcopal Church threatens to pull out of Georgia if Sunday Brunch Bill Isn’t passed

With the Governor’s veto of the Religious Freedom bill on Monday, The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta has decided that, unless the bill legalizing alcohol sales on Sunday before 12:30pm passes next session, the church sees no reason to stay in Georgia. “Let’s face it” Bishop Davey McDavid told reporters “We’re already religion light to most

Deal’s Religious Freedom Veto Could Affect Support for the OSD Amendment

Georgia’s next battle and big ballot issue for November is the failing schools amendment for the Opportunity School District proposal. However, Governor Deal might have lost some political capital when he vetoed the religious freedom bill, and the backlash might now cloud support over the amendment, according to a story from 11 Alive. The OSD

Lt. Governor, Speaker Weigh In on Expected Veto of Religious Liberty Bill

The leaders of the Georgia General Assembly have weighed in in Governor Deal’s promise to veto House Bill 757, the Free Exercise Protection Act. Speaker of the House David Ralston said that in his opinion, the measure passed the non-discrimination test that he was looking for: I respect Governor Deal and the thoughtful consideration he

More Leaving State Legislature

This week’s Courier Herald column: The Georgia General Assembly has gaveled out sine die and members have returned home from Atlanta. The Easter holiday will likely be the only down time for many as May 24th primaries for legislative and congressional offices are less than two months away. Many of those who have chosen to

11 Worst Bills to Pass in 2016

While expanded medical marijuana legislation that would help thousands of Georgians failed to get a vote in the Senate and little victories like the “brunch bill” died, both chambers spent most of Day 39 & 40 passing bills that will have little to no positive impact on 99% of our lives. Here’s my list of