Category: Legislature

State Senate Approves Plan To Boost Rural Broadband; State Launches Internet Speed Project

Rural broadband has been a hot topic over the last few years, and the transition to online instruction due to COVID-19 has shown real gaps in areas that do not have access to high-speed Internet access. The Georgia Senate passed legislation that would allow the state Public Service Commission to regulating how much electric co-ops

Tax Bill Aims To Unwind A Decade of Prosperity

This week’s Courier Herald column: When part of a governing majority, members of the political party in charge get both credit and blame for the state of current events.  Georgia’s Republicans have run for re-election several times sharing the success stories of economic transformation in the aftermath of the great recession.  Many that have taken

Covid Returns To GA Capitol

Email in-box reminds us that we’re still in session, but still also in a pandemic: While we’re all trying to work and re-establish normalcy as much as possible, it’s also time to remember that we each have some personal responsibility to keep Covid-19 from spreading.

Legislature Reconvenes To Make Cuts

This week’s Courier Herald column: Georgia’s legislature will reconvene Monday to finish the 40-day session that was abruptly suspended March 13th – officially the 29th legislative day – as the state began to shut down for the Covid-19 pandemic.  With 11 business days remaining, legislators must pass a budget prior to the July 1st beginning

GA Legislature To Re-Convene June 15th

The House and Senate have agreed to return to finish the 2020 session on June 15th. Legislators have 11 business days remaining in the session, and a budget must be passed before the end of the fiscal year which is June 30th. An adjournment resolution spelling out specific session days following the 15th remains a

Appropriations Committees To Hold Joint Virtual Meeting At 11:15am

The House and Senate Appropriations Committees will have another joint meeting this morning, held virtually, at 11:15 am. You can observe this meeting by clicking here. The committees met last week to begin the adjustments needed to the spending plans in progress before the Covid-19 suspension of the General Assembly in March. Members submitted questions