Category: Legislature

Sen. Kirk Defends the Free Exercise Act and Encourages Governor Deal to Sign It Into Law

Senator Greg Kirk of Americus held a press conference on Tuesday calling on Governor Deal to sign House Bill 757, the Free Exercise Protection Act. The senator, who is the author of the Georgia version of the First Amendment Defense Act and is the sponsor of the Free Excersise bill in the Senate, cited printed

A Sacrifice Revives Rape Kit Testing Bill

I asked Scott Holcomb about his stalled rape kit bill last week in between hearings. “It’s not over,” he said. Around here, until the gavel falls on Sine Die, he’s always going to be right. This afternoon, State Sen. Elena Parent’s gun background check bill was martyred in the name of testing rape kits. State

Fireworks (The Literal Kind)

The Georgia Legislature reconvenes this morning to hurtle down the highway to Sine Die, and when they do, HB 727 will likely be back on the House floor. It’s the latest fireworks bill, and it promises to return some control and authority on fireworks to county and municipal governments – and frankly, it’s about time,

House Democratic Caucus Members Make Their Case Against the Free Exercise Protection Act

In a Capitol press conference this morning, four members of the House Minority Caucus expressed their concerns with House Bill 757, now known as the “Free Exercise Protection Act.” Reps. Keisha Waites, Park Cannon, Karla Drenner, Dee Dawkins Haigler and Taylor Bennett said that while they were fine with the original Pastor Protection Act as