Category: Legislature

Love dogs. Love regulation.

House Bill 290, which passed out of the House Motor Vehicles committee last week, would make it illegal to drive a vehicle with an unrestrained animal in the back. The punishment? A $15 fine. The bill’s sponsor, Democrat State Representative Karla Drenner, told the AJC that “The fine is not designed to be a deterrent.

Rising Tuition Not Just A Georgia Problem

This week’s Courier Herald column: One of the more interesting semi-public power plays during this year’s General Assembly has been between legislators and the Board of Regents. Georgia’s Constitution insulates the Board of Regents and thus the University System of Georgia from direct political influence. This is to keep the whims of modern politics from

PARKatlanta is Awful. Does it Require Legislation?

PARKatlanta, the private parking enforcement firm that the City of Atlanta contracted with in 2009, maintains that it is “a collaborative initiative led by the City’s Department of Public Works that is modernizing the City’s parking operations to improve convenience, access, fairness, and service for City motorists, residents, businesses, and visitors.” Pretty much everyone who

House bill would strip power of small business licensing boards

House Bill 952, assigned to the Small Business Development Committee, stands to strip rulemaking power of state licensing boards and harm business professionals around the state should it makes its way through the General Assembly this session. Sponsored by the Governor’s Floor Leaders, Representatives Chad Nimmer, Christian Coomer, Robert Dickey, Terry Rogers, and Amy Carter,

As the Legislature Turns

The growing spat between Speaker Ralston and Senator Josh McKoon of Columbus got a bit more tense today. To review, on Thursday, as the House was preparing to pass the Pastor Protection Act, Senator McKoon took to the well to lament that the Pastor Protection Act was in reality a Politician Protection Act. As the

Duncan Proposes Bill to Help Struggling Rural Hospitals

State Representative Geoff Duncan (R-GA-26) is sponsoring a proposal to help the struggling hospitals of rural Georgia. House Bill 919, proposed by Duncan, would allow individuals and corporations to get a state tax credit for donating money to rural health care organizations. Duncan met with rural hospital officials at the State Capitol on Thursday to

Esophageal Cancer Day at the Georgia State Capitol

This past Monday was Esophageal Cancer Day at the Georgia State Capitol, in order to raise awareness of the disease and the work being done to help fight it. Chairman Paul Battles of the Georgia House of Representatives recently recognized the Esophageal Cancer Awareness Association (ECAA), an all-volunteer national organization who is dedicated to battling