Category: Legislature

Ehrhart’s Presidential Popular Vote Bill Gets National Support

Eight former chairmen of the conservative group American Legislative Exchange Council signed a letter endorsing HB 929, which calls for the winner of the popular vote to become president. Earl Ehrhart, himself a former chair of ALEC and sponsor of the bill, was signatory to the letter. HB 929 doesn’t call for the Electoral College to be abolished.

Rep. Werkheiser to File Bill Increasing EPD Openness

Yesterday, Representative Bill Werkheiser (R-Glennville) announced his intentions to file a piece of legislation aimed at increasing openness between the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) and southeast Georgians. A private company recently announced intentions to dispose of large amounts of coal ash in the region. While legal, the actions were kept out of public knowledge.

House Majority Whip Matt Ramsey Not Running For Re-election

House Majority Whip Matt Ramsey (R-Peachtree City) will not be running for re-election. Ramsey had been considered a possible front runner to replace Congressman Lynn Westmoreland, but decided not to enter that race. Instead, he’s decided (as many others are this cycle) that the difficulty of running a business and being a citizen legislator are

House Judiciary Votes Do Pass on Civil Rights, Pastor Protection Bills

The House Judiciary Committee voted out Do Pass recommendations for the Pastor Protection Act and the Georgia Civil Rights in Public Accommodations Act, sending both bills to the Rules Committee prior to a vote in the full house. While the Pastor Protection Act passed without controversy, there was considerable discussion and proposed amendments to the

Judiciary Subcommittee Sends Civil Rights Bill Forward

A House Judiciary subcommittee on Monday voted to send House Bill 849 to the full Judiciary Committee. The bill, entitled the Georgia Civil Rights in Public Accommodations Act, would provide civil rights based on race, religion, and national origin in places of public accommodation, including hotels, restaurants, gas stations, and movie theaters. Georgia is currently