Category: Legislature

Dem. Rep files bill to remove Stone Mountain as memorial to Confederacy

Georgia State Representative LaDawn Jones, an Atlanta Democrat, has kept her promise. Jones recently filed House Bill 760 to “change the purpose of Stone Mountain” and allow elected officials and bureaucrats to effectively change, alter, and remove monuments from certain memorials. Specifically, House Bill 760 would: Eliminate Stone Mountain Memorial Park as a memorial to the

State Budget Growing, But Targeted

This week’s Courier Herald column: The first week of the annual meeting of Georgia’s General Assembly is filled with a lot of ceremony and pageantry. The annual Wild Hog Supper welcomes legislators back to Atlanta. The Georgia Chamber of Commerce’s annual Eggs & Issues breakfast allows the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House

It’s a Budget!

Governor Nathan Deal released his proposed fiscal year 2017 budget Thursday afternoon that would raise and spend $23.7 billion in the fiscal year beginning July 1st. Many lawmakers will spend the weekend reviewing it, and will return to the gold dome on Tuesday for a week of budget hearings. The pie chart at right shows

HB 723: Initial Thoughts On “Cooling Off” Period Of State Legislators For State Jobs

State Representative David Stover (R-HD-71) filed HB 723 prior to the convening of the 2016 session of the Georgia General Assembly.  The premise is simple: if you’re a current member of the General Assembly, or you’ve been out less than a year, you would not be able to take a non-elected job within state government.

Georgia Democrats introduce gun seizure bill

House Bill 731, filed by Georgia democrat Mary Margaret Oliver, is one of the most extreme anti-second amendment bills the state has seen in some time. Co-sponsored by Minority Leader Stacey Abrams and Reps. Carolyn Hugley, Pat Gardine, Dar’shun Kendrick, Dee Dawkins-Haigler, the bill seeks to focus on “dangerous instrumentalities and practices” by prohibiting the “possession,