Category: Local Politics

Walker County Commissioner Resorts To Personal Attacks Against An Opponent

A candidate must get close to desperation when resorting to levying personal attacks on Facebook against an opponent.  That’s what is occurring here in Walker County with our incumbent sole Commissioner Bebe Heiskell.  I was sent a screenshot where Commissioner Heiskell accused Republican challenger Shannon Whitfield that he was given bad numbers, was deceiving people

Not Losing Another Sports Team Worth $142.5 Million to Mayor Reed

The Atlanta Hawks will have a $193-million-renovated aerie, thanks to Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed who undoubtedly considered the expense of potentially losing 75% of Atlanta’s sports teams during his tenure when deciding whether to cough up the dough. Atlanta will kick in $142.5 million of the money that will go to a massive mixed-use construction project

Transportation Ranked as the Biggest Issue for Metro Atlanta Residents

The Atlanta Regional Commission is out with its annual look at the issues that are most important to the region. Metro Atlanta Speaks is a scientific poll measuring area residents opinions on education, transportation, livability, and more. It’s perhaps not surprising that transportation was thought of as being the biggest issue facing the metro area,

City of Cochran: Certified City of Ethics?

On October 11th, the City of Cochran Mayor Micahel Stoy announced his resignation in a letter to the residents. His reason for stepping down was because of an alleged secret meeting that was held by the City Council in July. According to the State’s Open Meeting Laws, the City’s Charter, and a city ordinance, the

Mary Norwood Officially Running for Mayor

After months of speculation and a few weeks of having an exploratory committee, City Councilmember Mary Norwood is running for Mayor of Atlanta for the second time. Norwood finished second to outgoing mayor Kasim Reed in 2009. In a statement sent to GAPol, Norwood steered clear of any formal policy announcements. Her entire statement reads:

Killing The Last Zombies of the Foreclosure Apocalypse

The real estate market in Atlanta has been booming, again … he writes, fearful of jinxing things. We’re at a point where we’re worrying about gentrification — and if you’ve got pedestrian-level advertising for plastic surgery shops along the Beltline, I’d say they’re valid. But wide swaths of metro Atlanta are still hanging on by

Racist Comments “Needed To Get A Vote” In Douglas County

[iframe src=”″] While we’re working to fix the embedded video, here’s a direct link. The Chairman of the Douglas County Commission, Tom Worthan, made some disparaging, inflammatory, and embarrassing comments about black candidates running for office in Douglas County a couple of weeks ago. He was caught on tape doing so. His excuse? “I spoke

Gov. Deal Appoints Review Commission: Mayor Indicted on Child Molestation

Governor Nathan Deal has issued an executive order appointing a review commission to investigate a recent indictment made against the City of Dawson Mayor Christopher Wright. The 26 year-old mayor was indicted on 5 counts: aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, child molestation, rape, and statutory rape on June 7th, 2016. The indictments followed an investigation