Category: Morning Reads

Morning Reads for Separation of Church and State Day (October 28)

Good morning! It’s Separation of Church and State Day, which commemorates the 1963 Supreme Court decision in Abington School District v. Schempp, the law that declared that school-sponsored Bible readings were unconstitutional. It’s also National Chocolate Day, and yes, I’m well aware I buried the lede. Thrillist has a list of free and cheap chocolate

Morning Reads – Thursday, October 8, 2020

Gooood morning! We have survived yet another debate!Today is the 54th anniversary of the US government declaring LSD ‘illegal,’ which means that last night’s debate 54 years ago would have been more tolerable. Allegedly. It’s also National Fluffernutter Day! Govern yourselves accordingly. Now for some news: Peaches Georgia school district wants to name new facility