Category: Morning Reads

Morning Reads for Friday, August 31, 2018

Finally. College Football Returns. Sign up! The natives are getting restless. Wise words from the young padawan. Winter is coming. Will the NIMBYs beat Project Rocket? Not happy with ruining sports, now comics are circling the drain. Can she do that? Why does everything have to turn into a game of “Who to throw out

Morning Reads – Thursday, August 30, 2018

On this date in 1994, the largest U.S. defense contractor was created when the Lockheed and Martin Marietta corporations agreed to a merger. Peaches No one gives a {bleep} about the hands-free law Perdue is pushing back on renaming Russell Senate building after McCain  Crisp Georgia deputies arrested for taking guns to Mexico “Problem” with Georgia law

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 28

Good morning! There are fewer reads today; several of them are long-form pieces that I think merit your time. Senators Isakson and Perdue encouraged their colleagues to not rush to rename the Russell Senate Office Building in honor of Senator John McCain. The Clermont Hotel is open for business, and I can’t wait to stay

Morning Reads for Monday, August 27, 2018

Happy Monday! Only 9 more Mondays until Election Day. Campaign News: On Saturday, Republicans from across the state gathered in Perry for the 8th Congressional District’s Annual Fish Fry. Criminal Justice makes it’s mark on the campaign trail, creating “the great divide” between candidates. Georgia Carry is feeling good about November. Stacey Abrams is working

Morning Reads – Thursday, August 23, 2018

On this date in 1962, the first live TV program was relayed between the U.S. and Europe through the U.S. Telstar satellite. Peaches Georgia lawmakers ruin most things School Superintendent in Georgia suspended  Georgia man gets lost wallet back after 77 years  More inland ports forthcoming? Hints say ‘yes’ A demo for new voting machines? President Carter featured in People

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 21

Good morning! In an effort to stop the November referendum that would potentially create the City of Eagle’s Landing, Capital One Public Funding filed the latest lawsuit against the State of Georgia and Henry County. GA Tech President Bud Peterson is angry, disappointed, and embarrassed about the school’s administrative ethics scandal. Meanwhile, the Tech smarties

Morning Reads — Thursday, August 16, 2018

On this date in 1954, Sports Illustrated was published for the first time. It was claimed that 250,000 subscriptions had been sold before the first issue came off of the presses. Peaches $100,000 in ramen noodles…GONE Rural hospitals don’t make cut on ‘best of’ list Rural hospital tax credit at work Georgia drops in movie production race

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 14

Good morning! Canada eclipsed Georgia as the #1 spot to make movies. Augusta’s take on the proposed I-14. GA SoS office can’t figure out how to use the sum function in Excel; primary results still not official. Why the Braves are, apparently, team Kemp. (They’re also Team Many Other Candidates.) Georgia taxpayers aren’t on the

Friday Morning Reads — August 10

Is it me, or has this week dragged on? Regardless, I know I’ll see you wild animals at the bars tonight.   Yesterday, Vice President Pence outlined the Administration’s plan for Space Force. I demand Moon colonization. The Georgia Democratic Party and its top officials called on Brian Kemp to resign from his post as