Category: Politics

How Does A $9.5-Billion Industry Leave Georgia…

Gradually then all at once. In the last 24 hours Disney, WarnerMedia and NBCUniversal said if Georgia’s hearbeat bill becomes law the media giants would have to reconsider working here. Netflix said on Tuesday it would have to “reconsider” it’s Georgia investment too. A group of independent filmmakers earlier pledged to stop producing in Georgia.

A State Without Small Towns?

Nathan’s post about the seemingly inexorable demise of small/medium-town Georgia raises a more existential question: should Georgia just prepare for the death of small towns? While rural broadband expansion is a noble idea it could just be a placeholder and an expensive one at that. All trends point to an increasingly urbanized future. The UN

Former Senator, Candidate For Governor Michael Williams Pleads Guilty To Fraud.

I know what you’re thinking. Michael Williams’ fraud of a gubernatorial campaign wasn’t a crime. Well, not according to the official code of Georgia anyway. Filing a false insurance claim is, however. From the Forsyth County News, who broke the story yesterday: Former gubernatorial candidate Michael Williams was sentenced to probation after fraudulently claiming computers

Another House Procedural Maneuver Delays Aid For SW Georgia

Procedural Maneuver, Publicity Stunt. Tomato, Tomahtoe. Regardless, with the house unofficially on recess for Memorial Day week, there was a “pro-forma” session this morning as the House was technically open. Thus, another chance to present the bipartisan agreement on aid for Hurricane Michael victims came….and went. House Freedom Caucus member Thomas Massie today was in

Against all Odds

“We’re an 18th-century institution using 20th-century technology to solve 21st-century problems,” Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), who is in her eighth term. Against that background, the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress is working  in temporary office space with only 2 fulltime staff positions and a long history of establishing select committees to

Traffic Blamed For Missed Toyota Georgia HQ

This week’s Courier Herald column: Amazon’s recent search for a new major headquarters location was typical Amazon, in that it was anything but typical.  It was public and quite publicized.  We know who bid, and in many cases, how much.  As with most things Amazon does, it was able to collect a huge amount of

Rural Broadband May Be Key To Rural Small Town Survival

The AJC has an article about census estimates showing small towns in rural Georgia are shrinking. A third of small towns in Georgia lost population last year–most of those towns being in south Georgia. Although there’s been hope of a revitalization of rural areas, advances in technologies and a changing economy has made it more

Morning Reads for Tuesday, May 28

Good morning! I hope you’re on vacation – but if you are on vacation, why on earth are you reading this? This past Saturday, a large group of abortion rights supporters marched from the Capitol to CNN Center to protest HB 481. Glynn County is the “Wild West” of short-term rentals. Middle Georgia, get ready