Category: Politics

Rep. Buddy Carter Draws Primary Opponent

Dr. Jay Melvin shared with us that Daniel Merritt has announced his candidacy as a Republican against Rep. Buddy Carter (R) in GA-1. According to his bio on his campaign website, Merritt is currently serving as a Major in the United States Army Reserves. He is also the co-founder and co-owner of Nine Line Apparel,

Op-Ed: Computer Science Education

The following Op-Ed was co-authored by Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan and Senate Education Chairman P.K. Martin (R – Lawrenceville) regarding Senate Bill 108 which was just signed into law by Governor Brian Kemp. One half of one percent. That’s how many Georgia students complete a computer science course as part of their high school curriculum.

Morning Reads for Tuesday, April 30.

Y’all, it’s the last day of April, and that only means one thing: As reported below, Stacey Abrams will not run against David Perdue in 2020. Sailors in every active Naval fleet report a lack of confidence in their leadership at the Pentagon; Pro Publica is covering the issue in depth. Insight on what in

Stacey Abrams Opts Out of 2020 Senate Run

Well, it’s the end of April, and Stacey Abrams has finally made a decision. No, not that she has to decided to accept the fact that she’s not Governor. No, former Leader Abrams has decided against a Senate bid in 2020. So, with Ms. Abrams out of the Senate race (but not necessarily out of

Weekend Speculation: Tom Price’s Poll

Over at, Noah Pransky noticed an odd expenditure in former Congressman Tom Price’s FEC disclosures -a $19,500 payment to Public Opinion Strategies for polling. This single fact, coupled with the absence of any evidence or comments, led Pransky to speculate that Price, who briefly headed the Department of Health and Human Services, “may be

Morning Reads for Friday, April 26, 2019

Who ended up where? The onions are here! The onions are here! Answered prayers! Aren’t you glad you don’t live in Michigan?  The jokes are already writing themselves. Keep your chalk to yourself. Marvee for Marvel. Obviously, we’re all working at the wrong place. Well, it is Pelosi’s district.  I keep harping on privacy.  Here’s