Category: Politics

Morning Reads for Friday, March 8, 2019

What is… CANCER SUCKS. (Prayers for Alex.) Spring is (trying to be) here, so that means baseball is not far away. How can we miss you if you won’t go away?  Fish sandwiches for Lent!  Really bad. A hate crime. Riiiight. Hipsters. What can you say?  Cubans. They know these things. The time Curiosity called

Crossover Day: Bills On The Floor

The legislature convenes today for Day 28, or “Crossover Day”. If you need to understand Crossover day, start here. In shorthand, the most straight line for a bill to become a law involves getting it passed by either the House or Senate by today. For a bill to get on the floor, it has to

Crossover Day Basics

Ok, if you’re reading this site, you probably are beyond the basics for crossover day, now “Day 28” of the 40 day legislative session. Still, some of you are new, and some of you have succumbed to the surface level reporting of what today is/does. Hint: No bill is really, truly dead until Sine Die…of

Morning Reads – Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I’m feeling very uninspired to come up with anything witty to say. GAGOP County Conventions are happening this weekend, so are the Precinct Mass Meetings and County Convention double header for the counties under 80k in population. – Check your local party website/facebook for details. HB 324 passes the GA House 123 to 40. Poor

Rep. Collins Thinks Democrats Belong in Toontown

Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga), the House Judiciary Committee’s ranking Republican, sounded off Monday at the Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee, tweeting: People not included in Judiciary Democrats’ investigation of @POTUS: Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Elvis. At this rate, best case scenario for their sprawling investigation is that we FINALLY discover who framed

Morning Reads for Tuesday, March 5

It’s Tuesday in most of the world, but today is Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Here are 15 suggestions for how to celebrate in Metro Atlanta (but really all you need is to have the right attitude and the soundtrack from the link above). Meanwhile, it’s Women’s History Month. Learn more about famous Georgia women.

Legislators Are Human Too

This week’s Courier Herald column Last week there was a bit of a kerfuffle involving House Bill 530, a bill aimed at parents who withdraw their children from school for the purpose of “avoiding compliance with laws relating to mandatory attendance, school discipline, parental involvement, or parental responsibilities.”  That sounds simple enough.  The bill’s primary