Category: Politics

Abrams’ Blue Wave

It feels like 2012 in Georgia!  #YesWeCan!  There is #hope and #change in the atmosphere. The excitement and energy surrounding the possible historic election of Stacey Abrams is electric.   In 2012, new voters were energized, turn out among existing voters increased, and everyone did a little more to secure the President’s win.  Stacey Abrams is leading

What are the “Exact Match” and “Signature Match” Laws?

Yesterday, U.S. District Court Judge Leigh Martin May denied Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s request to pause an injunction regarding the state’s “signature match” law. Last week, May ordered Kemp’s office not to toss absentee ballots where the signature didn’t exactly match the voter’s registration. Kemp had asked that May stay the order while his office

Morning Reads for October 29, 2018

We enter the final stretch of the 2018 mid-term elections after an unbelievably horrific series of events from last week. The lunatic who was mailing bombs to prominent Democrats was captured. Apparently he had “mommy issues.” A wacko white supremacist killed two African Americans at a Kroger in Louisville, Kentucky “...before an armed bystander reportedly

Marsy’s Law for Georgia – Amendment 4 – Gets Congressional Endorsements

The most controversial Constitutional Amendment set to be voted on by voters on November 6th has received endorsements from the national level. Amendment 4, known as Marsy’s Law, addresses rights of victims of crime. It is part of a national effort to add additional rights and privileges for victims of crime. It’s named after California college