Category: Politics

Morning Reads for Friday, August 6, 2021

Big political gathering this Saturday at Coosa Valley Fairgrounds in Rome. People are starting to pay attention. You keep using that word infrastructure. It doesn’t mean what you think it means. Careful. Soon they will be coming after the little guy’s retirement accounts. Yeah, but I think it needs a catchier name. All glory is

Morning Reads — Thursday, August 5, 2021

Peaches  They say it’s to make traffic better, but we know better.  Resources dispatched to Georgia to make case for big spending  “A lie created to foment a coup” Legislature addresses needs of Georgia students Georgia near bottom in rate of required nursing home inspections. Golden Ray continues to be a Golden Cluster  ACLU takes

Morning Reads for Tuesday, August 3

Good morning! If you are not vaccinated, but feel like you might be ready, here’s how to find a vaccine: Call the Health Department Vaccine Scheduling Resource Line at (888) 457-0186. Hours are Monday-Friday, 8 AM-8 PM, and weekends 8 AM-5 PM. Visit the DPH Vaccine Scheduling Portal. Visit Vaccine Finder. Find a vaccination pop-up

Morning Reads for Tuesday, July 27

Good morning! Hey, did y’all know that the Herschel Walker candidacy (that some desire and others choose to fervently hope against) might come with some baggage? Ask anyone in the Governor’s office and they’ll assure you that Georgia is open for business! Except, not if you’re talking about the Georgia Department of Labor, where all

Rep. Matt Hatchett New House Majority Whip

State Representative Matt Hatchett (R-Dublin) was elected today as the House Majority Whip. He will serve for the remainder of the 2021-2022 legislative term. From a press release: “I am honored to have been elected by my Republican colleagues to serve in this new capacity,” said Majority Whip Hatchett. “I am thankful for the residents

Morning Reads for Friday, July 23, 2021

Precious Darling Boy hits his first Grand Slam. Pineapple casserole is a true test of your Southerness. DGD Mary Katherine Ham basically Mary Katherine Hams CNN. Yeah, this is an own goal. I’m sure this is nothing to worry about. At all. Nothing is sadder than a clicking countdown clock… The bigger they are, the

Morning Reads for Tuesday, July 20

Good morning! The leadership change at DFCS happened much more abruptly than many initially realized — and many child advocates are concerned with the potential fallout. Georgians (and Georgia lawmakers) might be wise to prepare for twice the Special Session fun this fall. Work on salvaging the Golden Ray has temporarily paused for crane maintenance.

What Do Georgia Prosecutors Learn at Taxpayer Funded Conference on Jekyll Island?

If the picture below from the 2021 Prosecuting Attorneys of Georgia Summer Conference is any indication then it is clear the left’s illiberal campaign to infiltrate and weaponize all institutions extends to our local district attorneys as well as our local school districts. I admit my conservative bias just as Andrew Sullivan admitted his progressive

Morning Reads for Friday, July 16, 2021

What’s old is new again. Remember when GT had a nuclear reactor on campus? Sounds reasonable. Especially since the KK on Ponce is still rebuilding. Everyone is quitting this fall. So say the cool kids. Faster, please. Stop wallpapering over the cracks. How can we miss you if you won’t go away? This used to

Gary Black Releases Campaign Ad On MLB Travesty

While Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-1, R) is running TV advertisements about today’s Major League Baseball All-Star Game, Georgia Agriculture Commissioner and U.S. Senate Candidate Gary Black campaign has taken to releasing several versions of an online advertisement. A press release states that the ad it “aimed at the cost to Georgians of Stacey Abrams and