Category: Politics

Speaker David Ralston Issues Statement Regarding Federal Shutdown

We received a note from Georgia House Speaker David Ralston’s office concerning the federal government shutdown after the Senate failed to adopt a Continuing Resolution last night. “I’m disappointed and disturbed that Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and their liberal colleagues have chosen to shutdown our federal government. They’ve irresponsibly sacrificed the well-being of children on

A Death On The Street

“Bushwick died!” The guy standing on the stoop at the Five Points convenience store whispered, almost, which itself is remarkable. The raucous, ridiculous plaza bears no whispers. People shout in Asher Square. It’s next to a subway station, and freight train tracks, and traffic on three sides. It’s made for shouting, and for shouters. The

Capitol Takes A Snow Day…Mostly

Update: The Governor has announced that most state offices will remain closed Thursday due to the amount of ice on the ground and the fact that temps won’t rise above freezing until sometime tomorrow. This photo of the Capitol in the morning snow was sent to us by Rep Karen Mathiak (R-Griffin), with the photo

Morning Reads with a Timely and Urgent Reminder

Hey Taco BellThe Illuminati is not a frivolous subject — Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) January 9, 2018 “Long Haired Country Boy” by Charlie Daniels  How Georgia Gillmore fed and funded the Civil Rights Movement. GSU legend (and every basketball fan’s favorite) RJ Hunter signed with the Rockets.  Jimmy Carter’s right hand is art….apparently.  Maybe Fulton County

Political Power Play on the PSC

Stan Wise, Chairman of Georgia’s Public Service Commission, is stepping down as of February. Resigning means the Governor will appoint somebody to fill the vacancy, and the AJC’s Political Insiders have taken special notice of the calendar: “The timing of Wise’ announcement is far from accidental. Qualifying for the May primaries is in March. Also,

Dr. King Today

  There were few figures that had as much impact on Georgia politics as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  As someone who stands on the shoulders of civil rights leaders like Dr. King I wanted to honor him.  I wondered what Dr. King would say about Trump, a Georgia gubernatorial primary with two dynamic women