Category: Politics

Monday Morning Reads — January 15

Happy Monday, everyone! 11 events – around Atlanta honoring MLK. Bring a jacket! $11 billion – Ford is increasing its investment in electric vehicles by 2022. Previously they had committed $4.5 billion by 2020. 1 year later – The Trump family has acclimated to DC living and political theater. From an independent First Lady to

AJC: Trump Georgia Disapproval at 58.7%

Today’s poll from The AJC is, candidly, a bit hard to believe.  If the data is to be believed 58.7% of Georgians disapprove of President Trump and only 36.7% approve. Could there be essentially a 13-point swing since the all-important November 8, 2016 approval poll? Possibly. The numbers almost mirror national results. President Trump does create

AG Carr Raises Over $1 Million for 2018 Election

From a campaign press release: Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr today announced that he has raised more than $1 million for his 2018 election campaign thanks to the generous support of more than a thousand donors across the state of Georgia. More than $538,000 of that $1 million was raised since June 30, 2017. Carr’s

Music Modernization Act

When compared with tax reform, rural broadband, immigration reform and the other grandiose plans coming out of Washington, updating copyright laws seems a little mundane. However, as 9th District Congressman Doug Collins points out in his recent op-ed in The Hill, there are millions of dollars available to the overall economy with some timely adjustment

Morning Reads for Friday, January 12, 2018

Chick-fil-A moving to iconic spot in downtown Athens. Flu ticking up in the ATL. Wash those hands! Atlanta’s first “Smart Neighborhood.” But does it deliver tacos to your door every evening? You can count me out on this one. Let’s work on no more power outages, shall we? It’s like a rash. Stay out of

Former Congressman Doug Barnard, Jr. Passes

Throughout its existence, Augusta and GA-10 have been blessed with some true giants, including child labor laws crusader Tom Watson, the Father of the Two-Ocean Navy Carl Vinson, and patients’ rights advocate Charlie Norwood. One whose name might not spring immediately to mind these days is the Father of Modern Banking, Doug Barnard, Jr., a

John Carson introduces Hands-Free Driving Law

Building on the findings of the House Study Committee on Distracted Driving which he chaired, Representative Carson today introduced a bill to curb the use of tablets, laptops, cell phones, Pokemon Go, and everything north of the fidget spinner while driving. Taking your eyes off the road to drive would seem to make things more

Morning Reads for Jan. 10

Can the Legislature go away and can college football come back already? “Requiem for John Hurt” by John Fahey.  Expert: Jimmy C should lead U.S. nukes negotiation with North Korea.  Also, if Trump’s as good at negotiating as he says, why isn’t he hammering out international deals? Makes you think…. Georgia Trend once again left