Category: Politics

Morning Reads for 12-13

The true person of the year: whoever buys me the best gifts. “Supercapitalism” by Wynton Marsalis. GSU researchers detecting cancer.  Perhaps not surprising: White House doesn’t know who John Lewis is.  Stacey Evans hopes Roy Moore gets elected.  Isakson wants expedience on VA funding vote.  St. Simon’s stinks! Should Jimmy be indicted for Russian collusion?

Morning Reads for Tuesday, December 12

Good morning! Happy birthday, Baker County! The PSC moved the date of their Plant Vogtle decision from February to next Thursday. You can watch the live hearing here. Jeff Bezos to the white courtesy phone, please. A Los Angeles-based developer has a massive plan for The Gulch in downtown Atlanta. If you’re flying out of

Christmas Wishes

This week’s Courier Herald column: I’m a bit old to make Christmas lists. There was a time, some four decades ago, when the arrival of the Sears catalog at the Harper household signaled it was time to begin assembling and then culling a list that would eventually be mailed to the North Pole. This was

Monday Morning Reads — December 11

Happy Monday, everybody! Let’s jump into it like it’s a pile of snow. News by the Numbers 77 percent – of evangelicals believe their religious freedom is becoming more restricted. We are witnessing a change in their tactics. Whereas they once fought against same-sex marriage and its impact on our culture, they are now using

Legislative Sexual Harassment Ethics Committee

There are reports that Speaker Ralston and Lt. Governor Casey Cagle are creating a subcommittee to re-evaluate how any claims of sexual harassment in the Georgia legislature are handled. As a starting point, the leadership should be commended for taking some action in this current climate when they could easily sit quiet and do nothing. 

Concealed Carry Reciprocity passes House

Georgia’s 9th District Congressman Doug Collins was a co-sponsor and managed the rule debate on the floor for H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which would allow people who are lawfully permitted to carry a concealed firearm in their home states to carry concealed firearms in other states that allow the practice. H.R. 38 passed

Sen. Perdue Supports President Trump’s Stance on Jerusalem (UPDATED with Congress Reactions)

Senator David Perdue (R-GA) shared some remarks on President Donald Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the committment to move the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem: “It’s long overdue we send a powerful message of support to one of our closest allies, Israel. I commend President Trump for taking

Lt. Gov. Cagle Releases Educational Legislation Priorities

Georgia Lt. Gov Casey Cagle released a plan today that he believes will “build on our state’s continued pursuit of greater opportunities for our students and to grow a workforce that meets the needs of our state’s expanding economy.” Cagle: “Georgia’s education system must be built around the needs of each individual student – and that begins with local control. Our highest

Morning Reads for December 6, 2017

I’ve listened to approximately 373 hours of Christmas music thus far….and I’m just getting warmed up (meaning I haven’t even played Mannheim Steamroller yet). “Last Christmas” by your girl and mine Taylor Swift. Georgia State legend (and some say greatest Georgia football player ever) Robert Davis added to Redskins active roster.  Coke’s $2.6 million grant

A 2nd Special Counsel?

With partisan politics weaving its way into the independent Department of Justice it is not surprising to hear calls for a second special counsel. In fact an op-ed in today’s Real Clear Policy by Georgia’s 9th District Congressman Doug Collins makes that very case. Americans are well-stocked with outstanding questions about how the DOJ handled these issues,