Category: Politics

Two Keishas and Progress

The winner of today’s run-offs for the two top positions in Fulton County and the City of Atlanta is [drum roll] Rudy Huxtable from The Cosby Show.  Rudy, whose real name is Keshia Knight Pulliam made the name Keshia cool.  Now we have two women with “ethnic” names who are one vote away from holding

Morning Reads for Tuesday, December 5

Good morning! It’s Runoff Day in many cities and districts in Georgia. This opossum is my spirit animal. (And of course it happened at a Cash’s.) Many Teavana stores might not be closing, after all – at least, not the ones in Simon malls. Respect mah authoritah! The “apostrophe catastrophe” isn’t the fault of smartphones.

Monday Morning Reads — December 4

Happy Monday, everybody! How in the world is it already December? News by the Numbers $69 billion – CVS agreed to buy Aetna for a hefty price in a move that will alter healthcare and has the potential to lower healthcare costs. Imagine the 9,700 CVS stores evolving into local clinics. 70 percent – Of

Jeffares “All In” For Quixotic Campaign

Sen. Rick Jeffares, riding the windfall of his major legislative accomplishments the…uh…we’ll get back to you on that… and presumably ready to reach a decision on how to avoid a massive conflict of interest as Lieutenant Governor is leaving the state senate so he can campaign full time for Lite Gov. Now, usually when you have

A Black Voter’s Case For Mary Norwood

My Facebook feed filled up over the weekend with memes attacking Mary Norwood, which shouldn’t be shocking given the stakes in Atlanta. A tape recorded conversation emerged about her appointment to the board of elections by the Republican Party. A meme screamed that she voted for Republicans all of 12 times, with no mention of

Georgia: A Decade Of Good Choices

This week’s Courier Herald column: Life is about choices. Governing is sometimes less so. It’s always easy to rail against the inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of Washington. It remains a place where deadlines can be missed, budgets are procedural instruments at best, and accountability is a can that is kicked from generation to generation. Government, however,

Net Neutrality: Why I’m More Concerned About Google And Facebook Than My Internet Provider

If you read the news articles around social media, we are being driven to the dark ages with the FCC’s decision to roll back an Obama-era decision to classify broadband providers as common carriers.  The click-bait articles tend to make it sound like Internet Service Providers are rubbing their grubby little hands together to nickel-and-dime