Category: Politics


It appears, once again, the Nobel Prize Committee will ignore my extensive and voluminous work in all fields when handing out their “prizes” like candy. Harumph. “Unloveable” by The Smiths.  Jimmy Carter uses birthday Sunday School to talk North Korea peace.  (Happy 93rd birthday my dude.) Sam Nunn: “Now” is the time for North Korean dialogue

Morning Reads for Tuesday, October 3

Well. The President said yesterday that “we’ll be talking about gun laws as time goes by.” Not sure what that means (are we ever really sure what he means?) but it ought to be an interesting conversation. (It’s certainly a necessary conversation.) The CEO of Delta thinks Trump’s tax plan is great. Democratic Gubernatorial candidates

We’re Arguing For The Sake Of Arguing

This week’s Courier Herald column: The NFL has been in the news a lot lately. Too much, in my opinion. And yet, for the second time in three weeks, it’s the basis for the words written here. Sunday’s local matchup featured the Atlanta Falcons at home versus the Buffalo Bills. Hardly a marquee game, the

Monday Morning Reads — October 2

Happy Monday, but more importantly HAPPY OCTOBER! It’s the best month. You’ll find me in a corn maze or pumpkin patch or watching tree leaves fall. Praise. State An Atlanta city councilman candidate was robbed outside his campaign office. The Falcons tried…I think. Meanwhile UGA continues to dominate. “Mayor Fort” – Bernie Sanders. Gag. Ex-State

Tracy Jordan to Run for Insurance Commissioner

From a campaign press release: Tracy Jordan, a member of the Hoschton City Council , announced her campaign for the Republican nomination for Insurance Commissioner of the State of Georgia. “I’m running because the insurance industry has run roughshod over the people and businesses in Georgia for too long. They can raise premiums without consequence

What’s the Price of a few Charter Flights?

Tom Price was needled for his seemingly too serendipitous stock sales prior to confirmation, but he weathered that mini-scandal and became Secretary of Health and Human Services. But it is still up in the air whether he’ll be able to land safely in DC from his latest personal profiteering, or be diverted back home. Secretary

AG Carr Announces Opioid Task Force

Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr held a press conference today where he announced a Statewide Opioid Task Force had been created. The goal of the Task Force is to provide “an infrastructure of communication between organizations in the public, private and non-profit sectors that are combating and are impacted by this critical issue.” You can track

Perdue & Collins on the budget

Georgia’s Senator David Perdue and 9th District Congressman Doug Collins have teamed up in an op-ed setting forth three guiding principles to fix the broken budgetary process. The Real Clear Policy piece that appeared yesterday, points out that the approved budget was on time in only 4 years out of the last 43. The lawmakers