Category: Politics

Sen. Rick Jeffares Announces Lt. Gov. Campaign Team

From a press release: State Senator and candidate for Lt. Governor Rick Jeffares today announced the senior campaign team that will help him bring his conservative education and job creation message to the people of Georgia. “This is a terrific team and I look forward to their help in organizing the grassroots, raising resources and

Georgia’s Leading Conservative Newspapers Sold to GateHouse Media

Morris Publishing Group announced early this morning they sold their print and digital assets to GateHouse Media. The publishing group owned papers in Savannah, Athens, Augusta, Jacksonville (eh, close enough), Juneau (….not close enough) and other cities in Florida and Texas. Announcing the sale on the websites of its newspapers, the parent company of Morris

Georgia Tax Revenues Up 7.1% in July

An announcement made yesterday by Gov. Nathan Deal stated that Georgia’s net tax collections for July, 2017 totaled almost $1.72 billion, an increase of about $113.4 million (7.1%) from July, 2016. The following is a breakdown of the July, 2017 revenues in comparison to July, 2016: Description Amount Collected Change From July, 2016 % Change Individual income

Is Johnny Isakson Losing Faith in Donald Trump?

Johnny Isakson sat down with The Marietta Daily Journal recently and reading between the lines, he appears to have a growing unease with U.S. President Donald Trump. The most telling exchange came when Isakson was asked about Trump’s ban on transgender Americans serving in the military. Quote Isakson (emphasis added): “That came out of left field. We