Category: Politics

Judson Hill Considers Insurance Commissioner Run

From Judson Hill via Facebook: “ObamaCare has failed. Uncertainty rules the day regarding health insurance and health care costs. As a result, health insurance companies will be forced again to either raise premiums or completely pull out of the so-called Obamacare markets.  People need affordable and accessible health care that focuses on patients and expands

Taxation is not theft. Civil Asset Forfeiture is.

There’s a slogan popular with some Libertarians that claims “Taxation is theft.” It’s a cute saying but really only provocative hyperbole and nearly pure nonsense. When the government wants to steal something from you, it uses a process with the called Civil Asset Forfeiture. The anodyne named procedure allows governments to seize the assets of

“Repeal and Replace” is Dead – What Does that Mean for Georgia?

Monday night at a dinner with select Senators, in his typical bombastic way, President Trump said they — presumably meaning Senate Republicans and not Republicans in general to include him — would look like “dopes,” and also “terrible” and “weak,” if they didn’t pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act. Almost simultaneously, two Senators not at the meeting,

Morning Reads for 7-19

Don’t call it a comeback; I never left. “Social Jetlag” by Beach Fossils  Georgia State predicted to go bowling. If your party campaigns for something for seven years and then can’t formulate a coherent policy and then fails to achieve what you campaigned on for seven years, your party is at best incompetent. Trump Poised

Advanced Digital Cable expands in Blairsville

Today Governor Nathan Deal announced that Advanced Digital Cable will create 65 new jobs with a $15 million investment in the expansion of its Union County facility. ADC currently employs 70 at the Blairsville facility which will be increased by 100,000 square feet. ADC President Steve Payne cited the cooperation between the Georgia Department of

Chalis Montgomery Jumps into #GA10 Race (Rep. Hice)

We received the following press release from Chalis Montgomery announcing her candidacy as a Democrat for Congress from GA-10, which is currently represented by Republican Congressman Jody Hice. Today, Democrat Chalis Montgomery is announcing her bid to represent Georgia’s 10th Congressional District. Her run for congress is motivated by her faith and her commitment to